The Order of the Arrow and Cub Scouting Increasing Engagement for Our Future
Total Cub Scout Membership has dropped 40% in the past 15 years from 2 Total Cub Scout Membership has dropped 40% in the past 15 years from 2.1 million at the end of 2000 to 1.2 million at the end of 2016.
Cub Scouts are the lifeblood of the Scouting program and supporting the Cub Scout program is an investment in supporting the future health of the Boy Scout program.
Cub Scout Program Background Started in the 1930, Cub Scouts is for boys and girls who are in the first through fifth grades (or 7, 8, 9 & 10 years old). Tigers (first-graders), Wolves (second-graders), Bears (third-graders), and Webelos (fourth and fifth-graders) meet a few times a month in Dens. A Pack is a group of Dens and usually meets monthly. Starting officially in Fall of 2018, Lions are a program for Kindergarteners (6 years old) which will participate in some but not all Pack activities. The Cub Scout ranks were revised effective 6/1/15, so if you were a Cub Scout or leader it is a new program!
Cub Scout Program Background Advancement Provides a sense of personal achievement and strengthens family understanding as adult family members work with the youth on most advancement projects. Camping Age-appropriate camping programs focus on theme-oriented activities to introduce Cub Scouts to the great outdoors.
Current Support of Cub Scouting Brainstorming Activity
Increased Opportunities for the OA In Cub Scouting
Support Cub Scout Activities Support outdoor Cub activities Support council and district outdoor Cub activities Cub camp camp/ resident camp support OA camp Chief Def Chiefs and adult volunteers
Support Cub Scout Activities Pack open house staff support New member orientation staff support Financial support though camperships or uniform bank Cub-based camp service projects Webelo-to-Scout transition support
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