Mitochondrial homeostasis. Mitochondrial homeostasis. (A) Quantification of pantothenate levels by LC-MS analysis and (B) CoA levels in I1 tumor extracts (n = 9 for R and VR samples, n = 6 for CEA-treated R samples, unpaired t test). (C–F) EM analysis of mitochondria on individual cells observed in cultured grown cell lines and after grafting in nude mice (n = 20 cells/sample). (C) Quantification of mitochondria/cell in cell lines (H1 R/VR lines) and tumor extracts (H1 R/VR tumors) and quantification of mitochondrial features: contact points between ER and mitochondria (expressed in contacts per cell) and proportion of normal mitochondria per cell (i.e., organized crests, homogenous density) expressed as a ratio: normal/total mitochondria/cell. (D) Quantification of the mean surface are occupied by mitochondria expressed as a ratio: mitochondria surface area/number of mitochondria/cytosol. (E, F) Representative images of cells from R and VR tumors ([E] 8,500×), mitochondria in lines versus tumors (F), and two enlarged photos of 1 μm2 per category 22,000×; see more in Fig S6. (G) Comparative analysis of the OCR for J2A R versus VR cultured cell lines (n = 6–7) by Seahorse analysis (ANOVA statistics P < 0.0001). (H) OCR versus ECAR plot for R and VR lines under basal or Carbonyl cyanide-4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP)-treated conditions. Caroline Giessner et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800073 © 2018 Naquet et al.