I will hand out the texts to you. Counterclaims Have your introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion out on your desk. I will hand out the texts to you.
Grade 9-10 standards require that you “distinguish” the claim from a counterclaim - and that you develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both. The Counterclaim
Body Paragraph Progression There are multiple ways you can structure your body paragraphs. You can focus 2 paragraphs on the REASONS that support the CLAIM you are making, and 1 paragraph on the COUNTERCLAIM. You can also use a technique where you focus on 2 body paragraphs where you infuse the COUNTERCLAIM into each one of your body paragraphs that elaborate on your supporting REASONS. Body Paragraph Progression
Counterclaim as an independent paragraph (arguing against gov’t regulation of food and drink) Proponents of government regulation say it may help fight against the growing rate of obesity and its related health complications. As students peruse their lunch choices, they are no longer choosing between a variety of junk foods. The limitation of unhealthy foods at schools has led to a recent study by Pediatrics proving that “students with food restrictions were not as overweight as those without.” Students are now faced with deciding between healthier choices such as salads and wraps and will be more limited in their choices of treats that have limited health benefits. Although this type of government regulation may seem positive on the surface, ultimately it will not have the lasting effects intended on society. According to Dr. Safyer, although the students in the study were eating healthier food options during school, they were not compelled to make the same choices at home or restaurants. Government regulation of food and drink can only go so far as children and adults have autonomy in their own homes and places of social importance to them. It would be an egregious intrusion upon personal freedom to dictate what a person can and cannot eat or drink in every aspect of their life.
Outline how you would address a counterclaim using the outline provided. You may practice writing the entire counterclaim paragraph or try your hand at infusing it into one of your body paragraphs, but it is not required. When you have all of your pieces of the argument completed please staple them in the following order: Introduction Body Paragraph and Conclusion Counterclaim Outline Counterclaim Outline