Lesson 8 Day 4 T260-261
Question of the Day Have you ever misunderstood a message from someone? Has anyone ever misunderstood a message from you? What happened? T260-261
Read Aloud What is the purpose of reading a story? for enjoyment to practice reading to learn about a topic T260-261
Read Aloud T260-261
Read Aloud What message did Joey think the skunk was communicating? What message was the skunk really sending Joey? T260-261
Phonics and Spelling We have been studying words with ou, ow, oi, and oy. Recognizing these letter patterns can be very helpful in reading longer words. Identify the word with oi. shower, joyful, couches, avoid Avoid is a two syllable word with the emphasis on the second syllable. What sound does oi stand for. Identify the word with ou. Identify the word with ow. Identify the word with oy. T260-261
Phonics and Spelling boiling soiled pointed Recognizing word parts like these can help you read words. Find the words with the patterns ou, ow, oi, and oy. If you put poison around the weeds, it will destroy the flowers. My noisy dog enjoys howling at the mountains. “My towel is wet,” said the Girl Scout in an annoyed voice. Roy the Clown was disappointed that the day was cloudy. T260-261
Phonics and Spelling Identify the vowel sound and letters that make the sound in each word. foil, loud, gown, coil, house, annoy, growl, moist, enjoy, round, spoil, mouse, clown, bounce, cowboy T260-261
Fluency Good readers use punctuation in each sentence as a signal for when to pause, stop, and change the tone of their voice. Quotation marks signal someone’s exact words. When you read words in quotation marks, you can change the tone of your voice to signal that someone is speaking. Listen as I read page 240 aloud. Reread page 240 with me. T262
Main Idea and Details What is a main idea? The most important idea in a writing. What are supporting details? Information that tells about the main idea. What are non-supporting details? Information that does not tell about the main idea. T263
Main Idea and Details Reread page 237. Working with a partner to answer these questions. What is the main idea? What details support the main idea? What details do not support the main idea? T263
Build Robust Vocabulary Raise your hand if you think this animal might be charging. lion, worm, goldfish, bull If you think an animal might be ferocious at the time I describe, growl like a ferocious beast. A bear whose cub is in danger. One penguin greeting another. A canary about to sing. A tiger that is very hungry. T264-265
Build Robust Vocabulary Puff up your chest if you think this person is dominant. Shrink down if you think the person does not sound dominant. I always finish last. I can run faster than anyone. I will do this better than you. I’m the world’s best baseball player. T264-265
Build Robust Vocabulary How would you communicate with someone who lives far away. If you flick your head from side to side, how fast are you moving it? If someone were in danger from a fast-moving car, how could you alert the person? How can you signal someone to be quiet? What is a topic that people might chatter about? What do people do when they groom themselves? T264-265
DOL doctor Andrea j tanaka thurs,oct 30 mrs Willa c nguyen T266
Grammar Most abbreviations begin with a capital letter and end with a period. However, state abbreviations have two capital letters and no punctuation. FL, TX, CA, AL T266
Grammar Which words can be abbreviated in this address? Steele Junior High School 105 McHugh Street Steele, Alabama 35987 Jr. St. AL WB page 29 T260-261
Writing Today you will write detail sentences. These sentences need to support or tell about the main idea. The words you choose to use in your writings should paint a clear mental picture of an animal. T267
Writing A Description Uses vivid words that appeal to the senses. Uses precise words that give specific information about the topic. Uses different types of language. Includes a main idea for each paragraph. Includes detail sentences that tell about the main idea of each paragraph. T267