Water/Marine Directors meeting 4-5 June 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Water/Marine Directors meeting 4-5 June 2012 Progress on Directives on Urban Waste Water, Drinking Water, Bathing Water (Part 1, Item 3a) Water/Marine Directors meeting 4-5 June 2012

Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC) Current status Details in latest n 6th implementation report, presented in last WD meeting (ref yr 2007-2008) High level of compliance in EU 15, significant improvement in EU12 Collecting systems in place for 99% of pollution load in EU15 and 65% of total generated load in EU12 Secondary treatment in place for 96% of the load in EU15 abd 48% of load in EU12 73% of EU27 territory identified as sensitive area. Challenges ahead Improving compliance rates for collecting systems in EU 12 Treatment for specific agglomerations in both EU 15 and EU 12

Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC) Preparation 7th implementation report Reporting deadline expired in February 2012-By March 2012 all MS + Norway reported Reports being processed, preliminary results expected by June 2012; summary report expected by end 2012 In parallel: legal compliance check for MS –preliminary processed national results will be provided to MS for comments, starting from July 2012. Infringements 23 on-going ‘horizontal’ procedures in 12 of the EU 15 MS 9 of the cases are in the stage of Art. 260 TFEU cases Procedures relate to mainly sensitive/normal areas and small agglomerations No infringements started yet for EU 12 but significant delays in implementation noticed which require appropriate action

Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) Current status Large water supplies (> 1000 m³ or serving > 5.000 people): compliance rates generally higher than 90% Small water supplies (< 1000 m³ or serving < 5.000 people): relatively low compliance rates (study estimates: 36 % non compliance) Looking froward – activities scheduled Possible amendments of annex II and III on monitoring and analysis => prepared by 2 expert groups mandated by the DWD committee, chaired by JRC Preparation of a policy document that sets a framework for action to implement RA/RM schemes for small water supplies => prepared by expert group mandated by the DWD committee Finalisation of the report on implementation and analysis of small water supplies asap, presentation of preliminary results in autumn 2012 Improve visualisation of data

Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) Current Status The annual report 2011 shows that good results are maintained; downward trend identified last year reversed Change from the old monitoring and assessment system to the new one BWD has been identified as good example for access to information in the communication on implementation Looking forward – activities to improve harmonisation: Focus on smooth transition between old Directive (76/160/EEC) and the new Directive (2006/7/EC) Elaborate guidance on monitoring, reporting and assessment Link assessments for bathing water with those of the UWWD and WFD, to identify cuse-effect relations and integrate data visualisation into WISE

“Reducing eutrophication” New approaches on enhancing implementation of the Urban Waste Water Directive (Part 2, Item 5b) Water/Marine Directors meeting 4-5 June 2012

Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC) Contributes in tackling eutrophication Urban Waste Water together with agriculture main sources for excessive nutrient discharges towards fresh/marine waters UWWD and Nitrates Directive contributed significantly in limiting nutrient loads, however eutrophication is still a major threat to achieve GES for fresh/marine waters Ensuring full compliance with both Directives is prerequisite for successful implementation of the WFD and MSFD => implementation of UWWD and NiD remain key priority for the Commission Tackling Eutrophication will continue to be a key objective, also being discussed in the context of the 7th EAP.

Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC) Way forward Continuation of ongoing infringements and consideration of new infringements in situations of non compliance in EU15 and EU12 – ensure equal treatment of MS Compliance promotion - ‘new approach’ for mainly EU 12 Complementary to legal action Through particular assistance activities, set out in the recent Implementation Communication (COM (2012) 95) [see further slides] UWWD will be a pilot Directive for this ‘new approach’ Aim to complete implementation of UWWD within the coming financing period (2014-2020) The Commission will contact a few MS to volunteer in coming weeks

Communication on implementation (COM(2012)95) Follows 2 earlier communications: 2007: ‘A Europe of Results’ (Com(2007)50) 2008 Communication on implementing environmental law (COM(2008)773) Based on 2 pillars: Knowledge and Responsiveness Adopted 7 March 2012 Helps to set the scene for the 7th environmental action plan Implementation is one of the 3 priorities of Commissioner Potočnik

OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATION - KNOWLEDGE Improve Member State information systems Access to Information Directive – promote active dissemination SIIFs (Structured Implementation and Information Frameworks), SEIS (Shared Environmental Information System) – practical tools to establish good information systems EU funding Improve EU-level Information Online information, score-boards, Spatial reporting formats (SEIS, INSPIRE) Confidence in MS information Ensure reliability of state-of-environment monitoring systems Increased role for EEA in processing implementation information Close certain information gaps 10

OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATION - RESPONSIVENESS Improve Inspections and surveillance Member State level: Upgrade existing framework for inspections and surveillance Member State level: Sector-specific measures EU level: Explore different options Complaint-handling and mediation Explore an initiative on national complaint-handling Improve access to justice Guidance on existing ECJ case-law Explore options for defining at EU level conditions on access to justice Capacity-building Network co-operation Partnership implementation agreements 11

Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC) Key elements of the ‘new approach’ Implementation plans Indicating implementation milestones and final dates to achieve compliance Basis for discussing ‘partnership agreements’ (see communication) May become relevant for EU co-financing Strengthen linkages/synergies with other processes (EU cohesion policy; Water Framework Directive) Improved information systems - better integration of data into WISE and linkages with other available data in WISE; - cross links between WISE and national information systems to be made (Bathing Water system as a model) data management should allow preparation of Commission reports and public access to data on implementation (including target dates per agglomeration, areas of (non) compliance, etc)

Outlook The promotion of compliance for the three Directives will be enhanced building on the ideas presented in the Implementation Communication. These activities will be carried out in close coordination with the work under the Water Framework Directive. Whilst the three Committees are the main bodies to work with the MS on improving implementation, the SCG and Water Directors will continue to be informed on a regular basis and will have a chance to ensure that the various implementation work programmes are coordinated and coherent.

Water/Marine Directors are invited to: Take note of the information and discuss the suggestions for improving implementation Express interest in working with the Commission on the basis of the new compliance promotion approach for the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive