“Canterbury Tales” and looking forward Wrap-Up “Canterbury Tales” and looking forward
Today and Next Week: assignments! “Canterbury Tales”: questions assigned 9/8. Due 9/11 at 11:59 p.m. via Turnitin Ethics Essay: assigned 9/8. HARD COPY of rough draft due 9/18 IN CLASS!!!!! Thesis Workshop: 9/14 Reading: “Two Treatises of Government” (excerpt/handout)– handed out in class 9/11 Excerpts from The Patriot Act– handed out in class 9/11 LeGuin, “The Ones Who Walk Away”– available to read now: https://www.wattpad.com/370932463- the-ones-who-walk-away-from-omelas-a-short-story Orwell, “Shooting an Elephant”– textbook, p. 1250 Questions: Locke, Le Guin, and Orwell (assigned next week, due 9/19)
Thesis Work Day: 9/14 Next formal deadline is 9/28 Keep in mind that no changes will be made to the thesis once we return from Fall Break. 9/14 Work Day Laptop or tablet required (phones not an acceptable substitute) See me if you need assistance with this English/catch-all: mandatory seminar Library visits
For English/Catch-all Theses Only For the assignment due on 9/28, students must complete four parts. First, on Thursday, September 14, students must attend a thesis workshop presentation on completing a Review of Literature and formal Introduction. A laptop or tablet is required. Between now and September 14, students need to begin looking for additional sources but may use the time next Thursday as well. Second, students must prepare an annotated bibliography of five new, additional sources. The sources used for the source analysis (turned in on August 18) must also be included on the annotated bibliography, but annotations are not required for those sources. The annotated bibliography is due September 28. Third, using the ten sources gathered at this point and the thesis proposal included on the 8/31 assignment, students will create an outline that details that body of their argument. This outline needs to be substantive in nature and is due September 28. Fourth, students will draft a paragraph detailing the conversation(s) they have had with their mentor. This is due September 28.
Ethics Essay Deadlines: rough draft due 9/18 Sources: at least 3 (2 in-class selections, 1 out of class source) Prompts: choice of 5 Counts towards your 1st 9 weeks grade!
Canterbury Tales Questions located on my Honors English IV course page 22 questions: you must answer 15 Due Monday, 9/11 at 11:59 p.m. via Turnitin This counts as your CDC grade (worth 10 points)
Thesis All future assignments turned in via Turnitin.com Bio-Med/Engineering/Psychology: do not use OneDrive folders unless instructed to by Guthrie, Cowart, Harrison English/Everyone else: do not use OneDrive folders Three items must be submitted by 9/11 at 11:59 p.m. Source Analysis 8/18 assignment 8/31 assignment
Turnitin Codes Thesis English Thesis Engineering Thesis Psychology Enrollment: Thomas Class ID: 16225529 Thesis Engineering Enrollment: Patent Class ID: 16225434 Thesis Psychology Enrollment: Freud Class ID: 16225490 Thesis Bio-Med Enrollment: Carbon Class ID: 16225469
Coming up… 1984! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY