Happy monday! You need: Your READIng comp. book. AND your PINK reading log. Your planner open to this week. A book to read/annotate.
Reading Reflection #23 Go to the next available page in your READING comp. book. Write out today’s date on the first line on the left hand side. Title it Reading Reflection #23. Add it to your table of contents.
Reading Reflection #23 Free write! Possible topics: Favorite book you’ve read this year and why. Favorite place to read and why. Something you’ve learned about yourself as a reader this year. Least favorite book you’ve read this year and why. Most common form of annotation you find yourself doing. When you are finished, tape reading logs on the left hand side of the page and 1) Read/Annotate, or 2) Do a book write, or 3) Shop for a new book.