Mrs. Morville’s Weekly News Room 53 12/18-12/22/17 Homework continued Wednesday- Library Holiday Sock Day Make a Holiday craft together Thursday- PE Whoville Day Watch a Holiday movie/ Show together Friday- PE Grinch Day Have a safe and Happy Holiday!!! See you next year! Homework Monday- Art Holiday Hat Day On the 5 Days Before Winter Break my teacher gave to me… A Week that is homework-free! Tuesday- Art Tacky Sweater Day Read a Christmas story together Welcome Back, I hope you had a restful weekend! Don’t forget about Holiday Spirit week! Candy grams are on sale this week for .50 each or $1.00 for a candy and bracelet gram. Visit our classroom website to stay up to date on current happenings Winter Break 12/25-1/5/2018 Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns.