Unit 5: The Founding Principals of Our New Nation Chapters 7 and 8
I. A New Republic A. Republic = citizens rule through elected officials State constitutions Limited power A central government
B. The Articles of Confederation Basics Created by the Second Continental Congress Ratified in 1777 “A firm league of friendship”
STRENGTHS, congress can… WEAKNESSES, congress cant… conduct foreign affairs collect taxes maintain armed forces foreign trade borrow money force states to follow their laws Issue currency No central govt 9/13 states to pass laws 13/13 to amend AOC
II. Western Lands A. The Ordinance of 1785 Process to survey land north of the Ohio River Divided land into townships (6 miles by 6 miles) Divided into 36 sections = each sold at public auction
B. The Northwest Ordinance, 1787 Single northwest territory = lands north of Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River Divided into 3-5 smaller territories Territory = 60,000 residents = statehood Guaranteed freedom of religion & trial by jury No slavery
C. Land Act of 1800 Easier for people to buy land Had to buy at least 320 acres at $2 per acre Pay half up front and the rest over four years
III. Problems A. Finances Money from war depreciated by 1781 Could not exchange for gold or silver Led to food riots Debt
B. Import Tax Dpt of Finance Led by Robert Morris 1781 proposal = 5% tax on imported goods 12 out of 13 states voted yes = fail 1783 proposal also failed