Functional Vision Evaluation Introduction and Direct Assessment Skills Taken from: Step by Step developed by Dr. Dixie Mercer, Stephen F. Austin State University.
What is a Functional Vision Evaluation? A process which is aimed at determining how a student with visual impairment typically uses their remaining vision (or other sensory channels) in educational settings. Builds on eye-medical information to determine how the student uses their vision to function in their lives
What is a Learning Media Assessment? A process aimed at determining the student’s: primary sensory channel level of competency in reading and writing whether or not the student is functionally blind whether or not on going assessment is needed primary LITERACY medium most appropriate LEARNING media
Literacy Medium How the student is going to access the general curriculum The basis for future decisions concerning the student Braille, Large Print, Auditory (taped texts), and or symbols Must address Braille as an option – It is more than a choice of braille versus print
Learning Medium Include instructional materials and methods How the student is best taught Support items and manipulatives Curriculum
LMA Is required (along with the FVE) to determine eligibility Must determine primary medium and if functionally blind Best practices – Should be updated as needed Should involve ongoing assessment Required annually for ECI students Must address Braille Can only be done by a TVI
Goals of an FVE/LMA Provide information on how the child FUNCTIONS WITHIN THEIR EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS and IN REAL LIFE to: Parents Other teachers Administrators
Goals (continued) Provide recommendations on: How to maximize the student’s visual performance in educational settings. How to adapt the learning environment to optimize visual performance. Additional visual assessment which may need to be done.
Goals of an FVE/LMA To communicate Needs Functioning Abilities Establish programming goals Recommendations Effective practices
FVE/LMA Rules Who can perform an FVE? VI Teacher O&M Specialist Who can perform an LMA? Only a teacher certified in Visual Impairment.
What must a FVE include? Assessment of performance in a variety of environments. Assessment of performance on tasks requiring near and distance vision. Recommendations on: Whether or not a clinical low vision evaluation is appropriate for the child Whether or not an O&M evaluation is appropriate.
Steps involved in performing a FVE/LMA Preview Observation Collection and Analysis of Relevant Information Parent Interview Teacher Interview Observations (three 45 minute observations in a variety of environments, one of which should include food)
Steps involved in performing a FVE/LMA (cont.) Initial FVE/LMA Protocol completion Direct Assessment Completion of FVE/LMA Protocol Recommendation Writing Report Writing
FVE/ LMA Is a living document – and will travel with the student Next to direct services – is the most important part of your role Should be useful and easy to understand Free from jargon
TIPS You are required by law to evaluate under different conditions and in different settings Start early Don’t rush Do the observations Don’t ever do one in couple of days – if you do you will be done ALL of them that way Don’t determine if the student will “qualify” after one visit – collect data and then judge