Abdelhak Djouadi and Dirk Zerwas Physics at the LHC Abdelhak Djouadi and Dirk Zerwas LPT and LAL Orsay http://indico.lal.in2p3.fr/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=399 Monday: The standard model I LHC and the Detectors Tuesday: The standard model II (theory) The Top Quark (exp) Wednesday The Higgs Boson (theory) The Higgs Boson (exp) Thursday Higgs+SUSY (theory) Higgs+SUSY (exp) Friday Xtra Dimensions (theory) Exotics (exp) LPT Amphi1, 210 LAL Orsay Salle 101 LAL Orsay Salle 101 LPT Amphi1, 210 LAL Orsay Salle 101
Supersymmetry Fermion Boson has “no” problems with radiative corrections (quadrat. Div.) has a light Higgs boson (<135GeV) promises exciting phenomenology at the TeV scale The parameters of the Higgs sector: mA : mass dof the pseudoscalar Higgs Boson tanβ: ratio of the vacuum expectation values mass of the top quarks stop (tR, tL) sector: masses and mixing ~ ~ 3 neutral Higgs bosons: h, A, H 1 charged Higgs boson: H± and supersymmetric particles: Many different models: MSSM (minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM, parameter EW Scale) mSUGRA (minimal supergravity, GUT Scale) GMSB AMB NMSSM spin-0 spin-1/2 spin-1 Squarks: qR, qL q Gluino: g g Sleptonen: ℓR, ℓL ℓ h,H,A Neutralino χi=1-4 Z, γ H± Charginos:χ±i=1-2 W± ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Conservation of R-parity production of SUSY particles in pairs (Cascade-) decays to the lightest SUSY particle LSP stable, neutral and weakly interacting: Neutralino (χ1) experimental signature: missing ET
Supersymmetry Unification of coupling constants Allanach et al, hep-ph/0403133 Supersymmetrie breaking: mSUGRA: 5 parameters GUT scale MSSM: 24 parameters electroweak Scale ES-Skala 102GeV GUT 1016GeV LEP: mH>114GeV Electroweak Fit: mH<144GeV (top mass, W-mass, sin2θW….) LEP: M(sparticles) > 90-100GeV Low tanβ excluded by Higgs search
SPS1a “typical” example of a supersymmetric spectrum m0 = 100GeV m1/2 = 250GeV A0 = -100GeV tanβ =10 sign(μ)=+ favourable for LHC and ILC (Complementarity) Moderately heavy gluinos and squarks “Physics Interplay of the LHC and ILC” Editor G. Weiglein hep-ph/0410364 Heavy and light gauginos ~ τ1 lighter than lightest χ± : χ± BR 100% τν χ2 BR 90% ττ cascade: qL χ2 q ℓR ℓ q ℓ ℓ qχ1 visible ~ ~ ~ ~ Higgs at the limit of LEP reach light sleptons
Higgs Bosons in the MSSM Basic question: is the “abstract” parameter space covered completely? Red. HWW, HZZ with tanβ A/Hbb, A/Hττ, A/Hμμ >with tanβ A/H ττ, μμ; H+ τν, tb ATLAS preliminary CMS: bbH/Abbττ mH=200GeV, 30fb-1, tanβ>20 covered
The charged Higgs boson mH± < mt : (~10pb) t H±b τνb (hadronic decay 50%, 100) 10fb-1: 700 signal, 1000 bg mH± > mt, ggtbH± reco t, W jj, large ETmiss Charged Higgs to tau tbH±, H± tb: Very sensitive to syst uncertainties Backgrounds: ttj, ttb, ttjj, ttbb Additional jets non-αS Charged Higgs in top decay
The Higgs bosons in the MSSM Plane completely covered with at least 1 Higgs boson visible everywhere SLHC: can reduce the region of “1 Higgs a little bit” LEP2: excludes low tanβ range
Supersymmetry: Higgs and SUSY Higgs bosons invisible (=neutralinos) ZHll+inv Analysis: 2l, Etmiss, jet-veto, b-jet veto Background: tt, ZZ, WZ, ZZ+jets Higgs bosons in SUSY cascades Signal to noise ratio: OK (better than SM ) But very model dependent BRinvisible excluded VBF: best channel, but: trigger?
Supersymmetry: Squarks and Gluinos Signature: multi-jet with missing ET effective mass Missing ET SM background also has jets…. SUSY SM The old plot
Supersymmetry: Squarks and Gluinos Cross sections Cross sections large: “easy” discovery in inclusive channels 10fb-1 ~ 2TeV
Supersymmetry Electroweak Production: χ02χ1lνχllχ (l=e,μ) Background: Drell-Yan, Z+Jets,tt, WZ Focus Point: m0=3500GeV m1/2=300GeV tanβ=10 A0=0 Search for Gluinos gluinotbχ,ttχ Untergrund: tt S/sqrt(B) ~ 7 gluinottχ 10fb-1
Supersymmetry: Masses Long cascades Jet-Lepton, Lepton-Lepton, Lepton-Lepton-Jet are functions of the masses Analysis: at least 4 jets PT1>150GeV, 100GeV, 50GeV Meff>600GeV, Etmiss<max(100,20%Meff) Leptons: 2 opposite sign same flavour (OSSF) (ee) background subtraction (SUSY) with OSOF (eμ)
Supersymmetry: Masses Mass determination for 300fb-1 (thus 2014) LHC: Toy MC from edges, thresholds to masses Next: Selected mll near edge: χ at rest P(χ2) = (1-m(χ1) /mll) P(ll) 2b-tagged jets m(χbb) versus m(χb) (2 entries per event) Select m(χbb) < m(χb) + 150GeV
Supersymmetry: Masses Next determine the gluino mass: 380GeV<mχb < 600GeV Mχbb is then the gluino mass Next get the sbottom mass(es): Background small Dominant error: energy scale Difficult to extract the two masses
Supersymmetry: Masses and spin Neutralino2 to stau: Stau decays to tau reconstruction 50% efficient (hadronic channel) Jet-rejection: 1/100 endpoint sensitive to stau mass (same as ll edge) events in edge used to measure branching ratio of slepton to stau? Many open questions: spin (long decay lq mass?) number of sparticles completeness of spectrum majorana nature of gluinos… is all of this generalizable?
Masses: The final word Masses: threshold cross section measurement 2mμ ~ Polesello et al: use of χ1 from ILC (high precision) in LHC analyses improves the mass determination
Determining the underlying parameters Transform (s)particle properties to fundamental parameters: mSUGRA (top-down) and MSSM (bottom-up) with conservation of R-parity Beenakker et al need predictions for all observables matching theoretical and experimental precision observables sensitive to several parameters: correlations, error propagation Brain power and sophisticated tools: Mass spectra generated by SOFTSUSY, SUSPECT, SPHENO Branching ratios by MSMLIB, SPHENO, SDecay e+e- cross sections (polarized) by SPHENO NLO proton cross sections by Prospino2.0 Putting it all together (error propagation, search for minima etc): FITTINO and SFITTER P. Skands et al., SUSY Les Houches accord (SLHA), Interfacing SUSY spectrum calculators, decay packages, and event generators, JHEP 0407 (2004) 036
Lagrangian@GUT scale: mSUGRA mSUGRA advantage: few parameters, testing ground for studies of principles disadvantage: starts at GUT scale and adds RGE extrapolation, not the most general Lagrangian SPS1a Start m0 100 1TeV m1/2 250 tanβ 10 50 A0 -100 0GeV Sign(μ) fixed Two separate questions: do we find the right point? need and unbiased starting point what are the errors? Fittino: start from tree level formula MINUIT Simulated Annealing ~300 toy experiments: convergence OK with MINUIT alone for LHC (largest errors)!
Lagrangian@GUT scale: the precision for mSUGRA SPS1a ΔLHC ΔILC ΔLHC+ILC m0 100 3.9 0.09 0.08 m1/2 250 1.7 0.13 0.11 tanβ 10 1.1 0.12 A0 -100 33 4.8 4.3 Sign(μ) fixed errors on errors typically ~10% Toy datasets (Gaussian Smearing) perform ~1000 experiments errors from LHC % errors from ILC 0.1% LHC+ILC: slight improvement low mass scalars dominate m0
Masses versus Edges (LHC) SPS1a ΔLHC masses ΔLHCedges ΔLHC top1GeV m0 100 3.9 1.2 1.28 m1/2 250 1.7 1.0 tanβ 10 1.1 0.9 A0 -100 33 20 24 top 175 - 0.8 Sign(μ) fixed use of edges improves parameter determination! edges to masses is not a simple “coordinate” transformation: Δm0 Effect on mℓR Effect on mℓℓ 1GeV 0.7/5=0.14 0.4/0.08=5 Similar effect for m1/2 need correlations to obtain the ultimate precision from masses the standard model is important: top quark mass precision LHC has a non-negligeable impact on SUSY parameter determination (ILC needs order of magnitude: mtop~0.12GeV affects A0….)
And the theory in all that? Theoretical errors (mixture of c2c and educated guess): Higgs sleptons Squarks,gluinos Neutralinos, charginos 3GeV 1% 3% Higgs error: Sven Heinemeyer et al. Including theory errors reduces sensitivity by an order of magnitude SPS1a ΔLHC+ILCexp ΔLHC+ ILCth m0 100 0.08 1.2 m1/2 250 0.11 0.7 tanβ 10 0.12 A0 -100 4.3 17 Important task SPA project: precision of theoretical calculations
The LHC neutralino enigma χ1 97.2 4.8 χ2 180.8 4.7 χ3 -- χ4 381.9 5.1 Declaration of bias: 2/3 of Sfitter are in ATLAS, but: LHC measures the neutralino index???? permute: χ4 with χ3 SPS1a LHCmasses ΔLHCmasses LHCedges ΔLHCedges m0 100 99.6 4 100.3 2.6 m1/2 250 250.1 1.7 248.8 2.1 tanβ 10 8.1 0.8 7.7 0.73 A0 -100 -196 30 -186 39 top 175 1 175.5 0.75 χ2/p.d.f - 0.2/16 2/11 Exchanging chi3 and chi4 leads to a secondary minimum M0 and M1/2 ok, but tanbeta and A0 more than 2-3σ from nominal values so in principle need ILC to see which neutralino are present…. the predicted mass of χ4 is about 400GeV the predicted branching ratios would lead us to expect more χ4 than χ3 in the measurement channel general rule: beware of the “hidden” measurements……
SLHC+ILC A likely scenario is concurrent running ILC plus luminosity upgrade of LHC SLHC 0.08 4.3 3 3.8 2.1 0.5 0.8 1.8 6 5.3 1.1 SPS1a results LHC 300fb-1 SLHC 3000fb-1 Some improvement limitation: energy scale SPS1a ΔLHC before ΔSLHC ΔLHC+ILC ΔSLHC+ILC m0 100 1.2 0.7 0.08 0.07 m1/2 250 1.0 0.6 0.11 tanβ 10 0.9 0.12 A0 -100 20 4.4 3.8 SLHC: factor 2 improvement SLHC+ILC marginal wrt LHC+ILC
Connection LHC-Cosmology The universe: Dark energy 73% atoms 4% cold dark matter (CDM) 23% NASA/WMAP science team LSP: massive weakly interacting SPS1a: χ1 ideal candidate for CDM SUSY breaking parameters (determined) masses and couplings (calculated) micrOMEGAs (Bélanger et al.): ΩCDMh2=nLSP*mLSP (relic density) Temperature range: ±200μK Measurement of the fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background WMAP ΩCDMh2=0.127±0.01 (astro-ph/0603449) Planck ΩCDMh2 ~ 2% LHC : Ωh2 = 0.19060.0033 LHC+ILC: Ωh2 = 0.19100.0003 Win an order of magnitude (Theory errors!)
MSSM ILCLHC CLICLHC CLIC LHC ILC MSSM which MSSM?? 24 parameters at the EW scale SFitter choice: do not unify 1st and 2nd generation: data should tell us … LHC or ILC alone: certain parameters must be fixed LHC+ILC: all parameters fitted several parameters improved CLIC wrt ILC: no fixed parameters with good precision LHC+CLIC improvement essentially in the squark sector with factor 2-3 on errors as expected from the mass measurement improvement wrt LHC Note: if at LHC mSUGRA has a secondary minimum, MSSM will have even more…..
Extrapolation to the High Scale 130 % / 180 % Ab precision: 50 % Ab precision: Blair et al., Fittino with W. Porod: extrapolation shows unification of soft breaking params Ab difficult to measure, search for new observables
Summary Higgs: at least one Higgs boson can be found everywhere additional Higgs channels open squarks and gluinos: clearest signal tri-lepton signal difficult Above all that: it’s difficult, exciting, therefore hope for an early discovery of SUSY at the LHC soon…..