Welcome to Curriculum Night Session 1: 6:30 – 7:05 Session 2: 7:10 – 7:45
Literacy 1st Quarter –Reading Closely and Writing to Learn (Poetry, Poets, and Becoming Writers) 2nd Quarter – Researching to Build Knowledge and Teach Others (Animal Defense Mechanisms) 3rd Quarter- Considering Perspectives and Supporting Opinions (The American Revolution) 4th Quarter- Gathering Evidence and Speaking to Others (Responding to Inequality: Ratifying the 19th Amendment) Ongoing Assessments/Mid-Unit Assessments/End of Unit Assessments/ Final Performance Task
Social Studies All about North Carolina History Government Economy Geography
Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Number and Operations-Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Benchmark and Formative Assessments
Science Force in Motion - electricity and magnetism Matter, Properties and Change - earth materials Earth History - landforms Ecosystems - animal studies Earth in the Universe - phases of the moon Molecular Biology - benefit of vitamins, minerals and exercise Energy Conservation and Transfer - basic forms of energy: light, sound, heat, electrical and magnetic
Field Trips 10/11– Historic Oak View (chaperones needed) 2/26 – NC Symphony Trip 4/5-“Can You Dig It?” (in-school) Please register to volunteer in the media center if you are interested in chaperoning for our Oak View trip.
Communication Mrs. Sweeney- lsweeney@wcpss.net Ms. Halsey – shalsey@wcpss.net REMIND APP: text @halseyswe to the number 81010 TEAM WEBSITE:www.exploregrade4.com