It’s about independent learning It’s about learning how to do your work by yourself
It’s about trying at least 3 ideas before you ask an adult for help It’s about trying at least 3 ideas before you ask an adult for help. (See 3 ideas before you see me!)
So, what ideas could I use?
You could…. Re-read what you have been asked to do
Rewrite the problem in your own words You could…. Rewrite the problem in your own words
Use any help sheets or subject guides you have been given You could…. Use any help sheets or subject guides you have been given
Underline the key descriptive and subject words You could…. Underline the key descriptive and subject words
Break the problem down into a series of smaller questions You could…. Break the problem down into a series of smaller questions
Ask a partner or discuss it with You could…. Ask a partner or discuss it with your table
Look through any of the following resources: You could…. Look through any of the following resources: Exercise & text books Model answers Displays
3 of these ideas before you ask an adult for help You need to try at least 3 of these ideas before you ask an adult for help
Think of a question to ask a member of staff that is not You need to…. Think of a question to ask a member of staff that is not ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I don’t get it’
So, what ideas could I use?!
3 ideas! Look at the poster in your classrooms
It’s about having the right mindset
It’s about independent learning