GERMAN-AMERICAN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM 2019-20 John Champe High School & Gymnasium Oschersleben
About GAPP General Information Mission and Goals Why GAPP? Benefits for Students Opportunity for Students to …
General Information Founded in 1972 as a non-profit organization to promote the exchange between students from Germany and the U.S. Partnership between GAPP Office in New York and the Educational Exchange Service Office in Bonn, Germany since 1982 Funded by the German Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State Based upon long-term partnerships between secondary schools in Germany and the U.S. Open to ALL students regardless of financial status as well as of diverse ethnic, religious, and racial backgrounds Agreements with Lufthansa, Icelandair and airberlin
Mission and Goals GAPP mission statement: Promote exchange and personal contact between German and American secondary school students and teachers GAPP goals: Provide and maintain academic, civic, and social exchanges Broaden each participant’s understanding of the host country’s culture and way of life Foster instruction of German language at US high schools Establish foundation for intercultural understanding
Why GAPP? Largest and most successful high school exchange program between the U.S. and Germany Academic and cultural approach (exchange is based on a theme or project) Very affordable because of home stays with families and because of travel grants GAPP supports each student and accompanying teacher with an airfare subsidy Group will receive lump sum for number of students going and depending on region of departure Lufthansa, Icelandair, airberlin will award one free student ticket for more than 20 students traveling Scholarships for individual students
Benefits for Students Academic achievement Expanded global awareness International friendships
Opportunity for Students to … Experience the real world in Germany beyond the classroom Experience the culture, traditions, family and school life with native speakers of German Compare and contrast their own country’s culture and customs with those of the host country’s Understand the culture and the way of life of people in Germany Break down existing prejudices and stereotypes Learn about Germany’s history and famous sites through trips Improve their German language skills Hear colloquial German and speak the foreign language with their host family, friends and other native speakers in various settings Be more competent and confident in using the German language Prepare themselves for the global world Expand their horizons Function as an “ambassador” between the U.S. and Germany and form long lasting friendships
Where is Oschersleben? Geographical Location
Germany in Europe
Saxon-Anhalt in Germany
Oschersleben in Saxon-Anhalt
About Oschersleben The Town of Our Partner School
The Town of Oscherleben in Börde Located about 24 miles southwest of Mageburg, the capital of Saxon-Anhalt On November 23, 994 Oschersleben was first mentioned in a document by the Emperor Otto III. During the period of the German Democratic Republic Oschersleben was a center of agriculture in the region. Besides some industrial establishments settled there, for example the still existing manufacturer of pumps as well as sugar refineries, iron foundries, breweries, machine shops, and brick works. The Motorsport Arena is on the edge of the town Close to many historical sites!
Oscherleben in Pictures Coat of Arms
Gymnasium Oscherleben Our Partner School
Our GAPP Exchange How Does the Exchange Work? Dates of the Exchanges German Students at JCHS Field Trips and Events Costs Expectations of Host Parents in the U.S. Expectations of Host Students in the U.S. Expectations of Parents and Students prior to Germany Trip Expectations of Students in Germany Application, Selection Criteria, and Selection Process
How Does the Exchange Work? First part: A group of 16-20 students and 2 teachers from Oschersleben will visit Aldie and JCHS for three weeks as part of their fall break. Students will live with families of the American students enrolled in the German program, attend school with their host students, give presentations in various classes, and participate in scheduled field trips and events. Second part: A group of 16-20 JCHS students enrolled in the German program and 2 teachers will travel to Germany and visit Oschersleben and the partner school for three weeks, live with their individual host families, attend school, give presentations in various classes, and participate in scheduled field trips and events. In addition to and apart from the actual exchange, the American group will also visit other parts of Germany a few days before and after the exchange. They will travel by train and stay in a hotel
Dates of the Exchanges Exchange in the U.S.: From mid September to beginning of October 2019 (3 weeks) Arrival at Union Station in DC Exchange in Germany: Tentatively from mid June to mid July in Oscherleben 2020 (3 weeks) with a few days of traveling prior to the stay in Oschersleben
German Students at JCHS German students will shadow their American hosts for the first days. They will eat lunch at school (lunch bags or cafeteria food). There will also be a daily homeroom for the German group in the Library for check in with their Teachers.
Field Trips and Events Welcome Party Smithsonians in DC Mount Vernon Newseum other ideas???? Farewell Party
Costs In the U.S.: Expense of hosting the visiting student (field trips, family trips, room and board, etc.) In Germany: App. $2,500 for flight, trains and youth hostels, and pocket money
Insurance In the U.S.: The German group will be covered by a German insurance company.
Expectations of Host Parents in the U.S. Attend all GAPP meetings prior to arrival Make arrangements for events Provide transportation Provide meals and accommodations for visiting student Serve as surrogate authority figure for visiting student Treat visiting student as own child
Expectations of Host Students in the U.S. Serve as ambassador of school, community and country Serve as host (share life with partner, be interested in life of partner) Adapt own activities to accommodate partner’s interest Do not forget own obligations to school, family, others
Application, Selection Process, and Selection Criteria Each interested student needs to be enrolled in German class and must have the desire to continue with their study of German at JCHS and/or at college. Each interested student needs to fill out a Student Information Form and return it with photos of themselves, family, pets, etc. to Frau Wells (room 1206) by Thursday, December 20. Frau Wells will inform the selected students and their parents in February/March 2019 before spring break. The selected students will also receive the information about their German exchange partners. Since the traveling students will be representing JCHS, Aldie, Virgina, and the U.S., candidates will be evaluated and selected based on their personal traits, such as discipline, maturity, reliability, trust, integrity, self-responsibility, leadership, commitment, involvement, confidence, and mental stability to be in a foreign country for four weeks; on social skills such as respect, outgoingness, and open-mindedness to learn about and understand the customs and people in Germany; and on the willingness to speak German in order to improve the German language skills. Another important criterion is the compatibility with a German student.
Why did you want to participate in the exchange program and what impact did this exchange program have on you?