Welcome!!! tjames2@lausd.net Ms. James Math/Science Math/Science: 6th Grade and Math: 8th Grade 21st Year 8 years: Elementary 5 years: Elementary Math Coach 8 years: Middle School tjames2@lausd.net
Back to School Night HOMEROOM Students may line up at the classroom at the 7:50 am bell Breakfast in the Classroom Healthy food(s) for breakfast Pledge of Allegiance If you don’t want your child to stand during the Pledge, please let know (in writing)
Back to School Night MATH SCIENCE/HEALTH Ca Math workbook Instructions Students have access to online workbook Students tear out pages and do not take the book home Instructions Introduction Practice Homework Points based on effort NGSS Next Generation Science Standards Earth Science (M, T, W) Health (TH, F) Binder….stays in the classroom Comprehension building I&E (Investigation & Experimentation) Homework
Back to School Night MATH SCIENCE/HEALTH Opportunity for Understanding: Notes Independent Practice #1 Independent Practice #2 Homework (2-3 days per week) I go over everything !!!! Opportunity for Understanding: Whole group reading Whole group discussion/review
The MDR website until 9/30/2017 Back to School Night Homework is always posted online www.marinadelreyms.org The MDR website until 9/30/2017
COMPUTER LAB EVERY TUESDAY Back to School Night COMPUTER LAB EVERY TUESDAY Purpose Review and reinforce lessons and/or skills Become independent learners Develop independence skills Procedures All assignments & directions are put on the MDR website for the students
Back to School Night MATH SCIENCE/HEALTH Supplies Supplies 3-ring binder with 5-tab dividers Mechanical pencils Highlighters Red pen (or other color) calculator Supplies 3-ring binder with 5-tab dividers Mechanical pencils** Highlighters** Red pen (or other color)** Colored pencils Markers
Back to School Night www.marinadelreyms.org LAUSD PASSport (Schoology) Best way to communicate with me is via email @ tjames2@lausd.net Conference Period availability: Mon, Wed, Thurs, or Fri @ 1:15-1:45pm
Back to School Night