Portfolio project Reflection Proposal for accuracy in ICD-10- Coding
Preparing a proposal In doing this project it allowed me to obtain the knowledge in how to do a proposal, the importance of a proposal, the reasons for a proposal. this writing class Eng250 has been good, and I actually enjoyed it. Thanks Lori Heredia for your teachings and expertise.
Communication Writing a proposal is a way of communication between, you and management, expressing your thoughts on a issue.
Interpersonal Skills/ problem solving Skills allow you to show what you know and allows you to put your knowledge to work, in preparing this proposal it allowed me to show my manager what I observed in the accuracy of coding and I was able to give suggestion on what the problems were at hand and some of the problem solving solutions that may help correct them.
Persuasion Proposals are a way of persuading another person to do something or think anther way, in sending a proposal to my manager concerning Coding, and showing her research and ideas in how to turn inaccurate into accurate results was good, and doing this project allowed me to like writing better and give me knowledge on what to do if ever the time comes that I might have to do an proposal.