Analysis of crystal structures Preconsiderations - Potential errors - Missing regions - Artifacts by crystal-packing - Resolutions Analysis of interactions - Hydrogen bonds - Hydrophobic interactions - Salt bridges - Surface charge representations Dynamics or flexibility - Temperature factor - Loop? Turn?
Electron density of crystal is average of all molecules in crystal Reality ideal Crystal Electron density
Potential errors in crystal structures Physical defects of crystals; damage of crystal in preparation, radiation damage during data collection Mosaicity of crystal Incompleteness of data Inaccuracy of high resolution data; vibration or rotation of side chains Result in bad electron density map
Physical defects of crystals Damages in preparation Melting Breaking into single crystal Uneven growth of crystal Radiation damage
Incompleteness and inaccuracy of diffraction data Blurred spot at high res. Loss of low res. data by beam stopper
Crystal packing artifact Different configuration of loop In solution In crystal
Resolution vs Rotamers of side chains > 3.5Å ~ 2.8Å
Crystallographic data collection and structure refinement statistics Rmeas (or Rsym); good as low I/sigma; background to intensity ratio, >2 or 3 R-work; <0.2 at <2.0A, ~0.25 at ~2.5A, <0.3 at >2.8 to 3.0A R-free; R-work + 0.05~0.07 is appropriate RMSD bond length; <0.01 RMSD bond angle; <1
Analysis of interactions Tools Visualization; Pymol, Coot Analysis; CCP4, VADAR
Analysis of interaction Hydrogen bonds 2.5 Å < distance between donor and acceptor < 3.5 Å 120° < angle N–O=C, etc., < 180° In protein to water, only distance matters Usually calculated by analysis program; ex.) VADAR
Analysis of interaction Hydrophobic interaction Non-real interaction; by exclusion of ordered water it increases net-entropy of system -> DG favorable As strong as hydrogen bonding when hydrocarbons are enough Shape complementary is a key to define (No distance or angle limit)
Analysis of interaction Salt bridge Electrostatic interaction between – (Glu, Asp) and + charged side chains (Lys, Arg) Distance; <5A Charge of each side chains must be head to head In <3A distance, they occasionally makes hydrogen bond
Analysis of interaction Surface charge representations Net surface charge distribution of protein Providing clue of binding sites in charge based interactions Positive charge – blue Negative charge - red
Flexibility of structure turn Scheme of turn Loop
Dynamics B-factor; temperature factor representing vibration of atom in temperature change