By The way, Why Groups? OK every student hates group work You worry that someone else will get credit for work you did Or you will be dragged down by someone who does not work However, Software Engineering is done in groups If you did the second year here you already had this I hope to make the experience less painful But it is vital to learn to talk to other people And listen to them If you end up managing a Software Engineering team The most important thing you can have learned is team skills
Now I need to do an online survey Only open to you if you were registered on the module before Friday the 26th January
What is a software repo? I now need to know what percentage of you have no real idea So please be honest: This module is meant to take people who know a lot and help them to do things better This module is meant to take people who know very little and help them to do things So do you know what is meant by a software repository? Yes No If Yes have you used one? If yes which one?
What is Trello? Have you done a software engineering project before? Yes No If yes what process did you use? Ad hoc Agile like scrum If so how much like scrum Waterfall The RUP Trello is a software version of a Kanban – which is a software management tool that helps us keep track of progress
If you didn’t know the answers to these questions Or could not answer yes to any Don’t worry. I will introduce them anyway If most of the class answered yes I may need to do a small group on them
Some quick questions to answer in class What is a user story? What is a use case? How do you write a unit test?