Student Organic Farm at the University of Idaho
Who are the Soil Stewards? University of Idaho Students Committed to Organic Farming & Sustainable Community Food Systems Soil Stewards is an ASUI recognized student organization whose members created and continue to run an organic farm within the UI Plant Science Research Farm
Soil Stewards goals are to promote the preservation of natural resources and sustainability through community outreach, research, and experiential learning
Where is the Student Farm? Right now we farm about 1/4 of an acre at the Parker Research Farm, about 2 miles east of town on the Troy Highway. We grow our organic veggies alongside research projects in mustard and canola, direct seeded wheat, urban forestry and much more!
What does it take to Join? Membership dues are $10 yearly. We have scheduled meetings and work days out at the farm Members are expected to put in their share of work to take home a share of the harvest
Learning Opportunities on the Student Organic Farm The Soil Stewards Farm is first and foremost a teaching and learning farm Your imagination is the limit when it comes to designing your on farm education! Earn course credits, internship credits, start a graduate project or apply for work study!
Formal Education opportunities could include: –Course Labs conducted at the Farm (get your professors to take your class on a field trip out to the farm!) –1-6 Credits of On Farm Apprenticeship –1-3 Credits of Directed Study
Current Research Projects Soil Testing and Recommendations Completing Organic Certification Forms Surveying the Potential for Integration of Students and Faculty on the Farm
Current Graduate Student Research Projects Biofumigation: Biopesticides/Plant-Derived Allelochemicals applied to Organic Carrots and Strawberries Sustainable Vegetable Production for Direct to Consumer Markets: As Modeled on a Student Organic Farm
2006 Season Highlights We managed to sell 27 Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares, which we filled every week with an ever changing assortment of fresh, beautiful veggies!
2006 Season Highlights Our volunteers donated over 400 hours to the farm over the year. Our members got plenty to eat as well!
2006 Season Highlights We partnered with PCEI's Backyard Harvest, donating vegetable seedlings for their pantry garden, and 300 pounds of fresh produce to local food banks and other food distribution centers!
2006 Season Highlights We supplied our campus foodservice company, Sodexho, with produce, herbs and edible flowers. Some of our veggies ended up being served to the president of the University at special events!
Want More Information? Talk to a Soil Stewards Member Come to a meeting Visit our website: See you at the farm!