Warm Up What are 2 benefits of free trade?
Monday, October 5, 2015 Objective: Students will be able to evaluate the results of NAFTA. Purpose: NAFTA has significantly changed the U.S. economy and impacted the American workforce.
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement Eliminated tariffs and quotas on goods traded between Canada, Mexico, and the United States Increase in trade between the 3 countries, lowering of prices, overall increase in jobs in all 3 countries Controversial, mainly due to a loss in American manufacturing jobs
NAFTA Videos We will be viewing 2 video clips about NAFTA Each of you will need to complete the worksheet I passed out. I will not tell you when possible answers to the questions will be heard, so it will be critically important that everyone is constantly paying attention to the videos and listening to what is being said. You will be turning in the worksheet after we finish viewing the clips.
Is NAFTA a success story? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGeTZ4u2jbg NEED TO KNOW | After NAFTA | PBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSXmB_my0ls