Organisation Name, organization, country DATE Title Organisation Name, organization, country DATE
Before you get started - Key overall Tips A workshop to make an impact - is a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive and constructive discussion and activity on a particular subject area or issue (adapted from Oxford dictionary). There should ideally be a clear output from a workshop. There should be a clear distinction between workshops and the scientific-technical sessions of the Conference: workshops are not workshops if they simply replicate the full oral presentation sessions of the main programme. Possible methods to include Roundtable discussions, World Café Style, Individual/ group exercises or other format that facilitates lively and constructive discussion of an issue.
Before you get started - Key overall Tips Be clear in the instructions you provide to your participants so that it is clear what they are expected to do/ discuss and have as output! Allow for a moment of reflection at the end: Allow participants to reflect what they discussed, and allow them to give feedback. As facilitator connect this back to outcomes of the workshop that you envisaged as organisers.
Following is the template/ order to follow
Aim of the workshop The conference is aiming to make an impact, and it is therefore interesting for participants what the aim of the workshop is
Schedule (how will you fulfill the aim) EXAMPLE X Minutes – introduction X minutes – setting the context X minutes – exercise a X minutes – reflection exercise a X minutes – exercise b X minutes – reflection exercise b X minutes – evaluation and reflection / closing
Set the scene Lorem ipsum dolor
Exercises Choose your figures, photos or illustrations well
Summary and conclusion How will the output be used to make an impact.