Monster Vocabulary 3
Monday, February 11th 1. Cacophony-n.-harsh or discordant sound 2. Bravado-n.- a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate. 3. Gullible- adj.-easily persuaded to believe something 4. Lethal- adj.-of, relating to, or causing death 5. Indulgence-n.- leniency or that act of going easy; overly-generous in action
Begin your two column journal. Tuesday, February 12th 6. Surly-adj.- bad-tempered and unfriendly 7. Botch-v.- to foul up or ruin hopelessly- often used with “up” 8. Rifling- v.- to search through something in a hurried way in order to find or steal something. 9. Emphatically-adv.- in a forceful way 10. Traverse. V.- travel across or through. Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Wednesday, February 13th Directions: Read the sentences and use the vocabulary word in an original sentence of your own. 1. she rifled through the cassette tapes looking for her favorite band Wham! 2. The bullet entered the body on the left side and traversed upward though the lung. 3. His father makes a fist and nods emphatically.
Thursday, February 14th 1. How would a surly person act? Use the word surly in one sentence in order to describe. 2. His stories are always told with bravado. What could a person do to just give a show of being brave? Explain using the word. 3. I heard a cacophony in the hallway. Describe What, using the word! Dude, it’s reading time! Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Friday, February 15th Directions: Use the words traverse, gullible, and Botch in a three+ sentence story of your own making!