Amazon river has over 3,000 recognized species of fish and that number is still growing. Some estimates go as high as 5,000. Along with the Orinoco, the river is one of the main habitats of the Boto, also known as the Amazon River Dolphin. The largest species of river dolphin, it can grow to lengths of up to 2.6 metres (9 ft). Also present in large numbers are the notorious Piranha, carnivorous fish which congregate in large schools, and may attack livestock and even humans
The average depth of the river in the height of the rainy season is 40 m (131 ft) and the average width can be nearly 40 km (25 mil) It starts to rise in November, and increases in volume until June, then falls until the end of October
PICS More pictures of wildlife in the Amazon.
Quiz How many recognised species of fish is there in the Amazon? a) 1000 b) 5000 c) 3000 What is a Boto? a) A bird b) River dolphin c) A fish What is the average depth of the Amazon river in the rainy season? a) 60m b) 30m c) 40m