Once chapter 2 Date: Objectives Warm –up – reading journal Read Chapter two Take a closer look at the ‘Character’ Felix and ‘Theme’ of being displaced. Warm –up – reading journal “ ‘That’s just one of your stories’, sneers Telek, but I can tell he’s not so sure”. Write down this quote and a response. (What do you think, remember, feel – one or two sentences)
Reading pages 9-16 8 pages – 8 readers Green card to person who reads best aloud before my time as your teacher is over. Remember the tips Read forward – not down (aim your voice) Proper posture = open diaphragm Slow pace, pause at full stops and commas for breath. Relax, getting nervous affects your voice.
Reflection journal Three tasks Write and answer the questions below (P.Q.E.). Write a 2-3 line summary of what is going on in the story. Write down any questions or thoughts you have about what just happened. How does Felix treat other people? Explain with reference to the text. ‘Felix is a child who is unaware what is actually going on’. Explain this statement with reference to the text.
Would you rather be in the orphanage Felix is in or on a Homework Questions Would you rather be in the orphanage Felix is in or on a farm doing hard labour? Why? Do you rather a story with one main character or two. Why? (Point, elaborate, explain – give your idea, make it clear, explain)