***Define the word Values. Values Unit How do actions represent values and culture? How do imaginary stories teach us real lessons? ***Define the word Values.
Introduction to Values Unit: Please answer the following questions: What are values? values are….the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong. beliefs that are important to you. What do you value? I value…. love, honesty, fairness, integrity, and cooperation.
Values Activity Sheet- Groups Please get a dictionary.(2 for each group) Define each value in a few words. If you are unsure of the meaning, look it up. Then put a star next to 5 values that are important to you.
Do Now: Please take out your notes from yesterday on Values. Complete the following statement: I value_____________ because…. (Choose a value most important to you and explain why.)
What do you value?? This I Believe- (name) Create a collage of values that are most important to you. Choose 5 values that are most important to you. Explain under each value why you choose that value. For example- honesty- I think honesty is important because you should always do the right thing and tell the truth. Color
Do Now: Take out your homework and your worksheet from yesterday and answer the following question: At what age do you remember adults teaching you values? What year of school?
How do our actions represent values and culture How do our actions represent values and culture? Do Now: Please take out the worksheets from yesterday.
At what age do you remember adults teaching you about values?
What do you remember about kindergarten? Make a t-chart: Activity Value Taught
Make a t-chart about kindergarten Activity Value taught Storytime Naptime Playtime Art-painting Clean up Line leader Snack time
Read “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” Circle your favorite value. Answer the questions on the back. Cynical- distrustful, especially of the motives of others. Extrapolate- to infer or estimate by projecting something you know.
Do Now: Please take out your worksheet on “All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten”.
Questions: 1. What is a credo? Please define the word in terms you truly understand. A statement of how to live and what to do and how to be 2. How are we all like “the little seed in the Styrofoam cup” We stay planted in “our roots” Our values and basic things we learned at a young age are our foundation for life as we continue to reach up like the plant and grow. 3.What are some of the valuable lessons the author learned in kindergarten? 4. Choose one of the lessons the author learned and explain why it is important for you to apply it to your life today?
#3- Some of the valuable lessons are to play fair, put things back where you found them, don’t take what’s not yours and say you’re sorry. #4-Play fair- It’s important that we always try to do what is right and live by the Golden Rule. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
“The Keeping Quilt” by Patricia Polacco Do you have any special items or heirlooms in your family that help you remember family members or your heritage?
Thursday, January 15th, 2015 Do Now: Please take out your homework “Family Values”
The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco Symbolism- when a concrete item or picture is used to represent an abstract thought or action. As I read, The Keeping Quilt, think about how each item symbolizes a value passed down through the generations.
Complete worksheet with your partner.
Writing Response: Values Are your daily actions aligned with your family values? Explain In what way are you a reflection of your family and what they value?