Preparing for the Assessment Preplanning
Finding Out About the Client The schedule is usually on DocuShare at You will have to login. Unfortunately – last minute changes may take place and there is no guarantee that this list is correct. So…
Finding Out About the Client The easiest thing to do is ask the person at the front desk who the client is and check out the file at the same time. You will need to tell the front desk person the Supervisor’s name and the date of the PSLE.
Reviewing the File Some files are very thick and have a lot of information to review. Give yourself ample time to review the file! Be thorough.
Reviewing the File Use the “Planning Sheet for PSLE Case” (if your supervisor has not sent it to you, be sure to ask him/her for it) Fill this out as you review the file.
The Planning Sheet for PSLE Case Be sure to fill this out prior to preplanning meetings. Bring it with you to the meeting.
Preplanning Meeting Everyone reads the file Lead clinician should: Have some ideas about the priority areas that need to be addressed. Take initiative to look at tests in advance and have some suggestions about what you might like to try. Do not be surprised if your supervisor takes you in a new direction though and suggests other tests/procedures.
Calling the Family the Week Before Courtesy call – family more likely to show up. NOTE: Sometimes you find out that the family has decided not to come, but, for whatever reason, has not called to cancel. So – do not wait too long to call. If you find out the family will not be coming, alert the supervisor immediately!
Calling the Family the Week Before To find out information to help plan the assessment. Things to say/Questions to ask: I just want to confirm that I understand your main concern is about… What kinds of things/activities does your child like that I can use to help keep him/her motivated? Also ask the family to please bring a small snack with them.
Calling the Family the Week Before More things to say/Questions to ask: Please bring a favorite toy/book/photo album that your child might like to talk about. Have there been any other assessments done or is your child receiving intervention anywhere? Please bring reports with you if you didn’t send them to us already. (Be ready to say what reports we have).
Calling the Family the Week Before More things to say/Questions to ask: Encourage them to arrive 15 minutes prior to the evaluation (traffic can be challenging). Remind to them about parking options. You need to know about the options: parking out back and getting a parking pass tokens that can be used in parking lots around the area (know where these are)
Calling the Family the Week Before More things to say/Questions to ask: If they have indicated they have medical coupons (DSHS), remind them to bring the most recent coupon with them. We need to have a copy of that on file.
Calling the Family the Week Before Avoid engaging in a full interview. Some families will want to start unloading more information than you are prepared to take in at that moment. If that happens….
Calling the Family You can say something like: “It sounds like we have a lot to talk about when you come in. There will be someone who will be doing an interview with you and s/he will really want to know about all of these things. Can you save this information until then?”
Begin Prepping Assessment Materials Please go on to review the next presentation: Preparing for the Assessment Day of the Assessment File name: Prepping_AssessmentDay
Anything Not Making Sense? Ask your supervisor! Rule: Take initiative! Make no assumptions; ask lots of questions!