Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Roundtable NEPOOL Generator Information System (GIS) Robert Ludlow March 15, 2002
Agenda 1. What is the function of the NEPOOL GIS 2. Development of the GIS Operating Rules 3. GIS Overview - Accounting for Loads 4. GIS Overview - Generation Attributes 5. GIS Overview - Imports/Exports 6. GIS Overview - Trading/Settlements 7. Initial Timeline
What is the Function of NEPOOL GIS? Load Serving Entity (LSE) A system to assist in accumulating data for complying with reporting requirements Results of the system will be used to generate reports for use by LSE’s and regulatory agencies. Generation An accounting system of generation attributes for energy consumed in NE to be reflected on a “Certificate” issued to the owner of the asset. Traders A common platform that tangibly identifies generation attributes Regulatory Agencies Consistent Reporting Conservation of generation attributes
Development of the GIS Operating Rules System designed based on NEPOOL GIS Operating Rules. Collaborative effort in the development process. Rules were adopted by NEPOOL - 1/18/02 Future changes through NEPOOL Markets Committee.
GIS Overview - Accounting for Load ISO New England Inc. March 2002 GIS LSE Account Market Settlement System (MSS) Electrical Load Data New Renewable MA Each NEPOOL Participant starts with wholesale load obligation from MSS. Set up multiple sub accounts By State By Product “Trade” certificates to match obligation. Reports generated quarterly and annually. Non NEPOOL LSE MA Zero Emissions CT
GIS Overview - Generator Attributes ISO New England Inc. March 2002 Each MWh of Generation = certificate Generation data predominantly from MSS (some exceptions for L5MW units not in MSS) Generation Registration MSS MWh of Generation GIS < 5 MW Generators Not Centrally Dispatched Fuel type RPS eligibility by State Emissions Labor characteristics Vintage Asset information (I.e. owner, capacity) Locations Greene Eligibility Certificate Asset Owners Account
GIS Overview - Imports/Exports Imports/Exports - Unit Specific or System Unit Specific Eligibility for RPS. Adjacent Control Area. Confirm energy was generated and flowed into NE Not otherwise sold Reserved Certificates Quebec New York New England Maritime Area
GIS Overview - Trading/Settlements ISO New England Inc. March 2002 GIS Certificate Asset Owners Account Traders LSE’s Certificates created Monthly Traded/Settled Quarterly Residual Mix Assignment Reserved Certificates MA CT
First Trading Period 5/5 Load MSS Extracts for Jan, Feb, Mar 7/15 9/20 Q1 Creation Date Q1 Reports 7/15 - 9/15 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 Q1 Trading Period 7/5 By 7/10 Load Jan MMA Account holders claim imports,enter attributes