Week 7 Sept 21, 2015 - Unit 3 – Mental & Emotional Health Agenda monday SPEAKER – ORGAN DONATION Students will write their own Learning Goals on Tuesday for practice Learning Goals – I will be able to: Warm-up What organs are transplantable? How can you sign up to be an organ donor? Due Today: Homework: Ch. 3-3 & Ch.4-1 Reminders: Short Term Goals due Thursday
Week 7 Sept 22, 2015 - Unit 3 – Mental & Emotional Health Agenda Tuesday Hwk √ - Copy Agenda - Warm-up PowerPoint + short video 3-3 & 4-1 Student Outline Emotions: Stressful vs. Positive Defense Mechanisms Answer Learning Goals Learning Goals – I will be able to: Recognize emotions can have effects on anyone’s behavior. Relate 2 examples of the Defense Mechanisms we covered in class. Identify 3 warning signs of Stress they have experienced. Warm-up What are some common emotions experienced by teens? Relate a personal example about expressing emotions on worksheet Ch3-3#1 Due Today: Ch. 3-3 & Ch. 4-1 Homework: Ch. 5-1 & Ch.5-2 Reminders: & Short Term Goals due Thursday
Week 7 Oct 2, 2014 - Unit 3 – Mental & Emotional Health Agenda Thursday Hwk – Agenda - Warm-up Radio video Learning Goals – I will be able to: Explain: how we treat others may have a huge impact on their lives… Predict how Radio’s life would have turned out if Coach Jones hadn’t come into his life? Warm-up Have you ever stopped and done something extra (that no one had asked you to do) for someone who was mentally or physically challenged? What did you do to help? Due Today: Ch. 5-3 & Ch.5-4 Homework: Reminders: Speaker Monday Short Term Goals progress check,