Some Important Things In Islam
Importance Of Zakat Zakat word is using very frequently in the Islamic religion. It is also the term of pillars in Islam. If a Muslim has the financial means and stability to pay Zakat, it is obligatory for him or read more…read more
The Month Of Rajab In Islamic Calendar The seventh month of the Islamic calendar is reserved for the month of Rajab. Rajab is known to be a month of sacred blessings and glad tidings. It also comes right before the holy month of Ramadan too. Rajab is renowned for its read more…read more
Benefits Of Recite Surah WAQIAH Surah Waqiah is also commonly termed as the Surah of Wealth. In the Islamic religion. Evidence from Muslim scholars exists that reciting verses of this beautiful surah brings about read more…read more
PROPHETS OF ISLAM AND WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES? Prophets of Islam and Prophet names. The Islamic religion places great emphasis on its line of Prophets. Each and every Prophet was given a message by ALLAH SWT which was to be brought to attention to all the nation’s followers. While some nations accepted the message read more…read more
BENEFITS OF FASTING Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan is considered mandatory for all healthy Muslims to follow. Being part of the 5 pillars of Islam, it holds great significance read more…read more
READING SURAH MULK Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk, What should be the last action of a believer before sleeping? Indeed the last action cannot be better than Quran recitation. It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet and holds the great reward. Every Surah of our Holy book Quran read more…read more
HISTORY OF HAJR-E-ASWAD Hajr e Aswad or the Black Stone of the Kaaba carries great significance in Islam. This stone is known to be a stone sent from the heavens above. According to a Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, the Holy Prophet PBUH is known to have said, “The Black Stone came down from read more…read more