DIRECTIONS: Pick up paper from the white shelf by the board. Cut out the blue paper that says “Work in Progress” Wait for bell to ring for further instructions.
MRS. BAUGH 5th Year at Atascocita High School Phone Number: 281-641-7792 Email Address: Website: 5907
CLASSROOM RULES: Be Respectful Clean Up Tell the Truth No Electronics Don’t give up!
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: To model the STAAR, the SAT, ACT, AP tests, and other federal and state testing, this year I will be prohibiting the use of unauthorized devices during academic activities. This includes cameras, cell phones, lap tops, tablets, and any unapproved calculation device. The unauthorized possession or use of any such device during academic work – including and especially tests and quizzes – will be considered an incidence of academic dishonesty. As for any incidence of academic dishonesty, the student will receive a grade of ‘0’ for the assignment and will not be allowed to reassess.
CLASSROOM CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning Parent Contact Office Referral
SUPPLIES: 1 composition notebook (Hopefully by Monday Sept: 11) Something to write with
CALCULATORS: Grab the calculator based on your assigned seat number. You will not be dismissed until all calculators are returned.
GRADING POLICY: Test & Projects Homework, Classwork, Class Participation, Quizzes, Exit Tickets 60 % 40 %
3 QUIZZES: FORMATIVE GRADES If you do not do well, it is okay since you are allowed to do corrections using the “Correction Form”
HOMEWORK POLICY: 1 Day Late Max of 80 2 Days Late Max of 60 Every 3 missed homework assignments will result in parent contact.
REMIND 101: NUMBER: 81010 TEXT: @9hg8f
WHEN WALKING IN THE ROOM: Pick up all papers in the trays
Turn your work into class period tray. TURN IN WORK HERE: Turn your work into class period tray.
ABSENT/LATE WORK: If you are absent, go to the absent work bin in the front of the room and find the day that you were absent.
WORK IN PROGRESS: This is where you will stick any unfinished work. Check frequently to make sure you have all papers turned in.
LUNCH SCHEDULE: B Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. Thurs.
LUNCH SCHEDULE: C Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. Thurs.
D LUNCH SCHEDULE: Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. Thurs.