An example of data use: data analysis of German cities
The German Urban Audit Community 35 towns - 16 750 000 Inhabitants meanwhile... 38 towns - 17 700 000 inhabitants representing 70 % of inhabitants in cities with more than 100 000
Urban Audit steering committee Common Tasks: Data collection Data organization Data Analysis Reporting
Common Data Analysis and Reporting to support Common Tasks: Standards of Assessment for Local Reports Common standards of Assessment and Positioning Search for structural Typification of Cities Identification of the local position in the context of the cohesion process
Monitoring the results of policy, economy and evaluation of public structures and supply, concerning: local governance and local economy results of local, national and european cohesion policies structural trends (e.G. demographical change, knowledge-based society, globalisation )
Some examples of our data analysis The main task is: How to manage the quantity of data and find the balance between ”concentration” and ”differentiation”: avoiding ”bulks of data” and incoherent data compression ... it’s a “long and winding road” to suitable results
We‘ve reached this point so far
Some examples of our data analysis First step: attempt of Cluster-analysis without results because of missing and/or deficient data Second step: correlation analysis of 50 bivariate distributions
Third step: Construction of thematical Dimensions Bivariate distribution of the cities on two dimensions •“economic prosperity” •”social cohesion”
Dimension „total value of economic prosperity“ Independent variable: GDP per capita active population per area structure of employment employment rate employment rate age15 - 24 employment rate age 55 - 64 rate of self-employed share of employed in financial intermediation, business activities share of employed in public admin., health, education, other
Dimension „total value of social cohesion“ Independent variable: Unemployed rate rate of households with less than half of the national average income rate of persons reliant on social security benefits (>50%) rate of deaths under 65 per year per 1000 inh. infant mortality
Distribution of the Urban Audit cities according to their values on the dimensions economic prosperity and social cohesion
Next steps: Supporting the cities to manage the data by offering ”Adjusted analysis” ”tuned applicatons” Common Monitoring Individual, local (regional) reports multivariate analysis