Production of Propylene from Methanol Florida Institute of Technology College of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty advisor: Dr. Jonathan Whitlow Khalid Almansoori, Abdullah Kurdi and Nasser Almakhmari When Knowledge Becomes Power
Propylene Uses Propylene Basic Intermediates Derivatives Example and Use Automotive, Consumer Products, Clothing Propylene Polypropylene Propylene Oxide Propylene Glycol Furniture, Insulation, Fiberglass, Boats Acrylonitrile Acrylic Fibers Clothing, Nylon, Carpet Appliances, Automotive ABS Laminated Safety Glass Oxo Alcohol Polyvinyl Butyral Plasticizers, Solvent, lube oil additives Acrylic Acid Acrylics Paint, Adhesives, Textiles, diapers
Propylene Glycol