Mary & Joseph
Who was mary? A poor Jewish woman Illiterate (could not read or write) Hebrew name is Miriam
Mary and joseph betrothed Marriage was a two-step process at this time. The first step was betrothal. Since girls were married young (12-14 years old), they were betrothed first. This meant that they were legally married, but did not move in with their husband until they were older (15-17 years). Thus, it is not like a modern day engagement which can be easily broken. When Mary becomes pregnant, Joseph assumes that she cheated on him, thus committing adultery. The punishment for adultery at the time was stoning, meaning that Mary risks her life to be part of God’s plan.
What do we know about joseph? Almost nothing. He only appears in the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke and is never mentioned in the gospels again after Jesus’ birth. He speaks ZERO words. We don’t even know when he dies. We do know that (1) his name was Joseph, (2) he was a carpenter, and (3) he was righteous. This last one is important because it explains why Joseph first decides to divorce Mary quietly, so that she would not face punishment for adultery. The angel explains the situation to him, and he remains with Mary and her child.
Why is joseph sometimes portrayed as really old? The gospel of James, a gospel that did not make it into the bible goes into great depth about Mary’s childhood. It tells how Mary was born to Joachim and Ann, who could not have kids but were finally blessed by God. When Mary is 7 days old, she stands up and walks 7 steps, showing how special she is. Her parents dedicate her to God, and she is raised in the Temple. When she is 12, she must leave the Temple, but she is too holy and pure to get married. Instead, the Temple priests call all of righteous men of Israel together and have them draw straws. Joseph draws the short straw and thus is chosen to marry Mary.
Why is joseph sometimes portrayed as really old? Joseph is not happy about this because he is old and widowed with grown sons of his own. He thinks its weird and gross. He tries to get out of this, but is forced to marry Mary. This is not a real marriage. Rather, Joseph simply takes care of Mary because of the big age gap. This story is a legend that arose to show how special Mary was but is not historically factual. Joseph would likely have been much younger (18-22 years old).
Annunciation The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her that she will bear the son of God, if she is willing. Mary is an active player in this story. She uses her free will, knowing that no one will believe her, and chooses to be part of God’s plan.
visitation Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is carrying John the Baptist in her womb. John the Baptist leaps for joy when Mary arrives and Elizabeth correctly identifies Jesus as the son of God. John the Baptist is important because his role is to point out that Jesus is the messiah, and he begins doing this even before he is born.
Birth of Jesus Matthew and Luke have different stories but both have visitors (Magi or shepherds) who come to see Jesus. This shows us that Jesus is someone special.
Ministry of Jesus Mary is mentioned throughout the ministry of Jesus and appears to have played some sort of role in it. She is also credited with prompting Jesus’ first miracle--turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana. She more or less forces him to do it, thus beginning his ministry.
Death of jesus In all of the gospels, all of Jesus’ friends abandon him to die. In John, however, Mary the Mother of God and some other women, stay with him to comfort him while he dies. Again, this highlights the strength and courage of Mary, and her compassion for her child.
Pentecost The disciples and Mary are huddled together in a room after Jesus has ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit descends on them like fire, and gives them the courage to go out and teach the message of Jesus. Mary, too, receives this gift.
Immaculate Conception The conception of Mary without sin by her parents Joachim and Ann. Thus, Mary, like Jesus, had no sin.
Perpetual Virginity of Mary Catholics believe that Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus and remained a virgin her entire life. The brothers and sisters mentioned in the gospels are really cousins. Protestants believe that Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus but may have had other children later. The brothers and sisters are actual brothers and sisters.
assumption At the end of her natural life, Mary is taken up into heaven body and soul. This is not in the Bible but part of tradition.
Theotokos Mother of God
Mother of the Church Mary is also considered the mother of the Church because she brings Jesus into the world and Jesus begins the church.
New Eve Mary is considered the New Eve because Eve used her free will to disobey God, thus bringing sin and death into the world. Mary uses her free will to obey God, thus bringing salvation and eternal life into the world.
Do catholics worship mary? NO. Only God is worshipped. Catholics honor Mary as the Mother of God, and ask her to bring their prayers to God, but do not worship her.