Order of Operations
The Order of Operations
Use polling tools to answer! This session will be recorded for learning purposes. Learning purposes include: a lesson review for students who are absent, students who want to review for a test, etc. Mrs. Michele Salego Mrs. Jennifer Owens 5th Grade Math! Use polling tools to answer!
USA TEST PREP ASSIGNMENT Due by Friday! “Quarter 2 Review” First Grade of 3rd Quarter
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What are we learning today? Agenda: 1. Review Order of Operations Practice with PEMDAS Learn about Brackets and Braces South Carolina Math Standards 5.ATO.1 I can use the order of operations to help me solve multi-step mathematical problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and variables
Brain Pop! Order of Operations Clip https://safeYouTube.net/w/C9Fh https://safeYouTube.net/w/C9Fh
The Order of Operations
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Parentheses ( ) E Exponents 43 M D Multiply x Divide ÷ A S Add + Subtract -
Let’s Get to the Point… Step by Step!
Let’s Get to the Point… Step by Step!
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Which statement best describes you? Assess Yourself! Which statement best describes you? A C B D
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