2.1.2 My body is changing I can name parts of my body.


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Presentation transcript:

2.1.2 My body is changing I can name parts of my body. I can talk about the different parts of my body and what they do. I can describe the changes that take place with puberty. I understand how to maintain personal hygiene. rshp.scot

What is puberty? Puberty is the time in your life when your body begins to change. Some changes you can see. Some changes happen inside your body. You can’t see these. Your emotions can make you have strong feelings. rshp.scot

What is puberty? Some changes that happen to boys and girls are to get your body ready to have a baby when you grow up, if you want to. rshp.scot

When does puberty happen? This is different for everybody. Some changes in your body might be happening now, some will happen when your body is ready at a later time, this might be when you are still in primary school, but it might be when you are a bit older and you have moved up to secondary school. rshp.scot

When we go through puberty what happens to… Hair Voices Body shape Breasts Smell Skin rshp.scot

What happens to hair? rshp.scot

Hair For both boys and girls, hair can grow on your face, around your genitals (private parts), arm pits (under your arms) and on your body. Head hair can get oily and need washed more often. rshp.scot

What happens to skin? rshp.scot

Skin Both girls and boys can get spots (acne) Skin Both girls and boys can get spots (acne). Spots happen because your skin gets oilier. rshp.scot

What happens to body shape? rshp.scot

Body shape Boys can get broader across the shoulders and for girls they can be more round around their hips or thighs. rshp.scot

What happens to breasts? rshp.scot

Breasts When breasts start to grow a small bump called a breast bud grows under the nipple. The breasts get bigger and rounder as they grow. Every girls breasts are different. Boys can sometimes have growth in their breasts too. rshp.scot

What happens to voices? rshp.scot

Voices Boy’s voices can get deeper. Girls voices might become deeper too. rshp.scot

What happens to body smells? Created by Kues - Freepik.com rshp.scot

Created by Kues - Freepik.com Smell Boys and girls sweat more when they go through puberty. Sweat can make your clothes or body smelly. It is important for girls and boys to wash themselves and change clothes more often. Created by Kues - Freepik.com rshp.scot

Periods. Another word for periods is menstruation. When a girl goes through puberty her ovaries release an egg every month. For a few days each month blood and other fluids pass out through the girl’s vagina. This is completely normal. When a girl has her period she wears a sanitary towel or tampon to absorb the fluid. After starting to have her periods a girl can become pregnant if she has sexual intercourse. rshp.scot

More about periods During a period, girls can feel that it is a bit painful or uncomfortable. Having a period can also make a girl feel emotional. It is important to know that a girl can still do anything she wants when having her period. You might be a bit worried about your first period, it’s good to talk with an adult about any worries or questions. rshp.scot

Erections When a boy grows up he starts to get erections. This is when his penis goes hard and sticks out form his body. When semen comes out of the boys stiff penis, it is called ejaculation. rshp.scot

Wet dreams. This can happen in the night when a boy is asleep, this is called a wet dream. Wet dreams are normal. If it happens, you might need to use a tissue to clean up the semen, and make sure you change your pyjamas or pants. You might be a bit worried about erections or wet dreams, it’s good to talk with an adult about any worries or questions. rshp.scot