The Traction Vector and Stress Tensor
Sign Convention Positive Shear Stress Determined by direction of traction acting on negative coordinate face Negative Shear Stress Tractions are positive in negative coordinate direction
Principle Stresses for any stress system, we can always find a principle axis coordinate system in which all shear stresses are zero the three normal stresses are principle stresses denoted by: ≥ ≥ compression is positive tension is negative
Stresses in a Principal Stress Frame
Mohr Circles
Stress in 3D stress tensor describes stress in 3D diagonal terms = normal stresses nondiagonal terms = shear stresses
Differential Stress differential stress is the difference between the maximum stress (σ1) and the minimum stress (σ3) the most important quantity in the failure of rocks we only analyze the plane containing σ1 and σ3 in 2D
Coulomb Failure and Mohr Circles stable failure occurs
Real Space
Mohr Space
Normal and Shear Stresses
Maximum Shear Stress
Brittle Failure brittle failure could result in: 1) development of a new fracture surface in an intact rock 2) slip on a preexisting fracture in a previously broken rock failure criterion specifies the stress state when failure occurs
Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion linear approximation: angle of internal friction failure envelope C shear & normal stresses at failure cohesion coefficient of internal friction