What I have learned from EAST experiments 胡友俊 2016-04-01
Main Coils on Tokamak A. Boozer, 2004, Rev. Mod. Phys.
Toroidal Field (TF) coils of EAST TF coils=16coil*130turn/coil Two scenarios for EAST: =10000A = 2.447T at R=1.7m = 8000A = 1.957T at R=1.7m
Poloidal Field (PF) Coils of EAST 12 superconductive PF coils (6 central solenoid coils+6 shaping coils) PF1 to PF6120 turns/coil PF7+PF9 connected in series248 turns PF8+PF10 connected in series248 turns PF1164 turns PF1264 turns PF1332 turns Pf1432 turns Maximal current per turn=14.5kA 2 in-vessel Copper coils (2 turns/coil) connected in anti-series to control VDE
Plasma Control System (PCS) on EAST Adapted from DIII-D PCS Acuators: 12 PF coils + 2 fast coils Two typical control scenarios: “RZIP control” (R,Z) of the center of the plasma current, and the total current IP are feedback controlled by PF coils. “iso-flux control” shape of LCFS, in additon to the RZIP, is feedback controlled by PF coils.X point, gap between plasma and wall
Typical wave-forms of current in PF coils Charge to maximal current before plasma discharge to provide maximal Voltage*Second Central solenoid coils Charge to median current before plasma discharge to provide flexibility of shaping plasma Plasma Discharge beginning Shaping coils
Components and material of first wall of EAST divertor plate (W) High-field-side wall (Mo+Carbon) Ports for diagnostic and heating (antenna, NBI) Inner divertor plate (C) Passive plates (Mo) Outer divertor plate (Carbon) Dome (Carbon)
Time evolution of space-averaged quantities Complete signal names on MDSplus server can be found on EAST wiki page View data online: webscope Download data for analysis: via webscope directly access MDSplus server using matlab or Fortran code
View Plasma configuration: “eastviewer” on cs1.ipp.ac.cn
View profile: EASTprofiles on cs1.ipp.ac.cn
Gass puff, LHW asistent breakdown and start-up