Do Now: Write your heading Copy the following Learning Targets: I can state the relationship between the Earth, Moon, and Sun I can describe the difference between rotation and revolution I can make a diagram Answer the following true / false questions ( you do not need to copy them) a. The Sun goes around the Earth. True or false? False It takes day for the Earth to spin around. True or false? True The Earth goes around the Moon. True or false?
Mini Lesson Revolution: movement of a planet or other body orbiting another Rotation: Spinning of a planet or other body on its axis Axis: imaginary line through the center of a planet or other body around which that body spins
Rotation on axis
Mini lesson Earth revolves around the sun once every 365 ¼ days, counterclockwise Moon revolves around the Earth every 27 1/3 days
Mini Lesson Earth rotates 1 time every 24 hours, counterclockwise The Moon rotates 1 time every 27 1/3 days
Mini Lesson Heliocentric: centered around the Sun Geocentric: Centered around the Earth
Ms. Gerstein’s Diagram
Guided Practice: Hallway Diagram
Activity You are going to draw a diagram that should include the Sun, Earth, and Moon With arrows, label how those bodies rotate and revolve Make sure you label how long it takes each body to do so Remember, the Sun is the biggest body, then the Earth, then the Moon
Debrief Human Diagram