A life of difference Dr Helen A Combes, Staffordshire University Neurodiversity A life of difference Dr Helen A Combes, Staffordshire University 3 minutes each slide = 45 minutes
Charles Ferster, 1958 paint the picture, write the symphony, produce the machine, tell the funny story, give affection artfully … the world will respond in kind with prestige, money, social response and love (and recognition for scientific achievement).
What makes something of value and worth?
Neurodiversity 10% of the population left-handed (!) 10% colour blind Up to 10% of the population show some signs of dyslexia. Tourette Syndrome (.3%) Epilepsy 4% About 5% of the population has dyspraxia. Around 1% of the population has an autism spectrum condition. Approximately 5% of the population has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). .1% Down Syndrome and many more …
UK Employment Data* Employment Numbers in population % Employed f/t (p/t) G population 40,000,000 79% Gen Mental Health Diff 5.8 m (1:6 unemployed) Layard, 2006 1m ADD 4 m 10% ASD 400 k 16% full time employment 37% employed McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. (eds.) (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital.
Equality Act, 2010
Power and beauty
Can you imagine a world without difference?
Always strive towards your dreams …
References and links https://lifehacker.com/novelty-and-the-brain-why-new-things-make- us-feel-so-g-508983802 https://autisticuk.org/neurodiversity/ https://contact.org.uk/advice-and-support/local-support/contact-in- your-area/offices/edinburgh/ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/disability-confident- case-studies/disability-confident-case-studies