Unit 2- Equality and Diversity


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2- Equality and Diversity Session 1

Define- Create a separate terminology list for this unit Equality Diversity Inclusion Rights

Understand concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care Know discriminatory practices in health and social care Understand how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice Know how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings

P1 A3 or 2 x A4 Poster on terminology Explain the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care.

Very very very useful website www.equalityhumanrights.com

Today’s learning Explain the term equality opportunities in a health and social care context Explain the importance of using correct terminology in Health and social care Identify how to overcome barriers to equal opportunities

Define Equality Diversity Inclusion Rights

Terminology Equality Treating people in a fair way, being equal in rights, status or opportunities.

Terminology Diversity Social, cultural or ethnic differences within a population Inclusion All people, regardless of their background or characteristics, should be given fair and equal access to resources, services and opportunities Rights The legal freedoms or entitlements that people have

Discuss Why is it important to study Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care Watch the clip- Add further reasons why it is important Add examples from specific job roles/settings Add examples of the positives of diversity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UglVT-LCq0

Use pages 49-52 Note down more benefits of diversity

Examples If Equality, Diversity and rights were not met.. What could be the impact? We Want Equality

Starter- Discuss Is this an example of discrimination?

What percentage of all Hate Crimes recorded by police were related to… Disability Gender identity Religion or belief Race, ethnicity or nationality sexual orientation. 43,748 hate crimes

What % of hate crimes were Race hate crimes? 82 %

What % of hate crimes were Religion hate crimes? 3 %

What % of hate crimes were Sexual orientation crimes? 10 %

What % of hate crimes were Transgender hate crimes? 2 %

What % of hate crimes were Disability hate crimes? 4 %

Active promotion of Equality and Individual Rights Today’s session Active promotion of Equality and Individual Rights

Discuss in pairs- Language and Inclusivity Why is it so important to use correct vocabulary in Health and Social Care? What might be the barriers to using inclusive language List examples of language that may not be appropriate

Read the article Highlight and annotate- Examples of good practice in terms of language use

Terminology that promotes equality The language we use has an impact on the way people are perceived. It may be reinforcing a stereotype Terminology should: Present a positive image not a negative one, and does not cause offence.

Care Value Base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRPM_pqaPp4 List examples Link to Equality and Diversity

The Principles of the Care Value Base Seven principles form a value base. They are all of equal importance Promotion of anti-discriminatory practice Promotion and support of dignity, independence and safety Respect for and acknowledgement of personal beliefs and an individuals identity Maintenance of confidentiality Protection from abuse and harm Promotion of effective communication and relationships Provision of personalised (individualised care) Discuss with each other any ways you or your setting do the above

Posters These might appear at open eve so make them look nice Definitions and examples from practice/ placement Round robin- 4 mins on each Promotion of anti-discriminatory practice Promotion and support of dignity, independence and safety Respect for and acknowledgement of personal beliefs and an individuals identity Maintenance of confidentiality Protection from abuse and harm Promotion of effective communication and relationships Provision of personalised (individualised care) Maintain integrity

Human rights bingo I am going to read out a human right or explain a scenario relating to a human right Cross it off if you think you are correct

Starter Read the article Note examples of discrimination faced by older people (HSC examples?) Note down examples of good practice

Reading week homework Assignment completion Health, Safety and Security Finished? P1- Equality, Diversity and Rights

Human Rights Act (2000) Right to life Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment Freedom from slavery and forced labour Right to liberty and security Right to a fair trial No punishment without law Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence Freedom of thought, belief and religion Freedom of expression Freedom of assembly and association Right to marry and start a family Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property Right to education Right to participate in free elections Abolition of the death penalty Pick three and note down ways in which you/your setting adheres to these human rights

Respect All individuals have the basic right to be respected Demonstrating respect for the individual is at the core of the practitioners responsibility This involves preserving a person’s dignity, core beliefs, choice and privacy. This can be challenging if an individuals choice does not match your own To demonstrate respect you should Have good listening and communication skills Be patient Accept others choices Be non judgemental Independently score yourself 1-5 on how able you are to demonstrate the above characteristics of respect

Scenarios Read the scenario How does this link to respect Which Human Rights link to the scenario? Answer the questions

Discrimination Make notes from the following clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcuS5glhNto Note the characteristics Define the different types of discrimination with examples What is harassment? Add these to your terminology

Discrimation When a person treats another differently or less favourably due to a protected characteristic Direct Indirect Note an example of each in a HSC setting based on each of the protected characteristics

Starter- Discrimination 1. Under the discrimination Act there is a rule entitled “Make reasonable adjustments” What does this mean? Can you give an example 2. List the different types of discrimination with an example

Transgender awareness This week is transgender awareness week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvRYamafT0c Watch this clip and note down examples of bad practice/discrimination in healthcare Watch this clip and note down suggested good practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHN3YhMi-5A

Transgender awareness Read the policy and highlight key information You will be given questions to answer

Questions Define “Trans” Which two legislations related to this policy and what do they say about gender reassignment? The Equality Act does not require a person to be under ________ ___________ to be protected? Are people who cross dress protected by the Act? List the three principles of providing hospital services to Trans patients Trans people should be accommodated according to what and why? This might be varied due to special circumstances such as? What is a GRC? If staff are unsure of a persons gender they should do what? What do practitioners need to be aware of when working with trans individuals “post operatively” Why is it important to take extra care when working with trans men? Note down three practical steps and adjustments in services that are sex specific How should Gender variant children and young people be treated? What does Gillick Competent meen and how does this link to the treatment of Gender variant children and young people

Disability Watch the clip Consider the following quote “The ad strikes a pitying tone, garbles sign language and has no subtitles, note critics.” http://www.campaignlive.com/article/hp-holiday-ad-starring-deaf-character-hits-sour-note-disability-advocates/1416178#4wdssvsUX2yhK34e.99

Bases of Discrimination The Equality Act (2010) The 9 protected characteristics age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation.

Activity Disability Read the handout Summarise the changes the Equality Act has made in terms of Disability and Discrimination

Disability What is Equity?

Equity Means Fairness All people should have fair an equal access to the services, e.g. doctors, treatment, medication What might prevent an individual with a disability from accessing health and social care services when they need to?

Summarise the information 10 facts about disability Unmet needs How the lives of people with disabilities affected? Barriers to health care Addressing barriers to health care

Fill in the table- 5 examples Possible problem Possible solution Wheel chair user + booking a holiday with a travel agent No wheelchair access to the travel agency Ramp Doorway width adjusted

Assingments Assignment task Due date Task 1- Poster