MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON CULTURE STATISTICS 23-24/11/2016 Towards a methodological manual on European culture statistics Agenda item 13 MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON CULTURE STATISTICS 23-24/11/2016
Planned manual for European culture statistics It would be based on the ESS-net Culture report and the last Eurostat publication "Culture statistics" 2016. It would include the following parts: Introduction (aim, reference to the ESSnet-Culture report) European framework for culture statistics European culture statistics by domain: Cultural employment Cultural enterprises International trade in cultural goods International trade in cultural services Public expenditure on culture Private expenditure on culture Cultural participation (including ICT usage) (Cultural heritage) Glossary
Planned manual for European culture statistics Each domain would be described in terms of principal concepts, data sources, classifications used, availability of data, main limitations, data gaps and challenges. The very draft of the glossary: the majority of definitions come from the methodology of the Eurostat data collections; general concepts related to culture (e.g. cultural sectors, cultural activity, etc.) will need more discussions (consultation with the WG).
The Working Group members are asked: to comment on the proposed content/structure (parts) of the planned methodological manual for culture statistics; to provide possible remarks and suggestions on the first draft of the glossary.