Role of Information and Technology Chapter 7 Role of Information and Technology The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Alvin Toffler
What Computers Do Best Administer inventories and tests with standard reports Search large databases Crosswalk one database to another Deliver the same material in a standard format to every user
What Computers Do Best, continued Monitor the progress of the user through the career planning process Deliver instruction Link user to resources on the Internet or via e-mail
What CDFs Do Best Expand on the interpretation provided by a computer and a counselor Assist clients with selection of search characteristics Direct clients to specific parts of the system or website Run reports from the system that counselors can use to follow through with clients or to document system use Use the system or website as an aid to instruction Customize the system in specific ways designed by its developer
Types of Computer-Based Systems and Websites Assessment systems - administer one or more types of tests or inventories Career information systems - specialize in extensive databases and search through them Career planning systems - also include online assessment, a stored user record, and the capability to review progress
Criteria for Selection of Systems Theoretical base of system Capability to take or enter results from tests and/or inventories Quality and comprehensiveness of databases Ease of searches Content of system
Criteria for Selection of Systems User-friendliness and appeal Capability to link to resources on the Internet Quality and track record of vendor
Website Comparison O*NET CareerInfoNet Excellent Systems O*NET