Automatic Processing with GLOBK sh_glred
sh_glred not as automated as sh_gamit because of range of options in globk Nominal mode: h-files from SIO global analysis (igs1 igs2 and igs3) are used to define orbits and coordinate system Common application is repeatability analysis of a regional network 10-Apr-19 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 9
Command Format sh_glred -s 1998 168 172 -expt gps1 -yrext -local -opt H G E For days 168 to 172: convert ascii hfile to binary hfiles H opt Run glred (G opt) run ensum and make plots (E opt) Will need to modify globk and glorg command files 10-Apr-19 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 9
Main changes needed Template is ~/gg/templates/globk_comb.cmd Change orbit constraints since no global network hfiles Change EOP constraints (no global network) Change list of sites used to define coordinate system (use the IGS sites in gamit analysis) 10-Apr-19 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 9