3 Starters for learning together 45 minutes for community building MERCÈ BERNAUS & NEUS LORENZO. ALEXANDRIA, 8-10 JULY 2008
Introducing oneself (2 + 2 minutes) 1. Pair work : A & B Person A: Introduce yourself to your partner, based on what you have DONE and what you have STARTED during the last year. Person B : LISTEN and write down the things you have in COMMON with the other person… ask for more information if necessary!! After 2 minutes, change roles.
Assertive starting (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 minutes) 2. Group work: (A & B + A’ & B’) Write 3 of your personal characteristics that contribute positively to and help to improve the projects you are engaged in. Attitudes? Knowledge? Experience? After 2 minutes, share your idees in groups of four and ask why, how...
Rising Awareness: personal knowledge (3 minutes) 3a. Individual work: Write down, by yourself, the most important fact that made you feel most happy and proud of yourself (It might be personal or professional, and can be from any time since the moment you attended the last workshop organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation & the CoE..) What? When? Where? Whom with?
Rising Awareness: active listening (5 + 5 minutes) 3b. Pair work: A & B Ask your colleague about his/her answers, listen carefully and take notes to have the most complete information Ask him/her other questions to clarify or to know more about his/her experience. After 5 minutes, change roles.
Why do you think this person Appreciative Inquiring Rising Awareness: positive community building (10 minutes) 3c. Plenary session Share orally each of your colleague’s answers that have touched you: because it is surprising because it is adventurous because it reminds you of personal events because it stirs your emotions because it shows expertise... Why do you think this person feels happy and proud?
Some thoughts for learning together 15 minutes for knowledge building MERCÈ BERNAUS & NEUS LORENZO. ALEXANDRIA, 8-10 JULY 2008
Rising collective assessment (5 + 5 minutes) 4. Pair work: A & B Person A: Individually, write down and suggest some facts that could improve any project, if all the involved participants would follow them. Actions? Communication? Language? Time? Resources? After 2 minutes, share with your partner. Person B: Ask for practical examples, concrete ideas.