Stalin- the “man of steel” Stalinist Russia Stalin- the “man of steel”
Who would you rather spend a day with? Harry Potter Edward Cullen Lenin Mr. Calero
Why should Trotsky lead after Lenin? He led the White Army He led the Red Army He wrote the communist manifesto Lenin like him more
Struggle for power After Lenin dies there is a struggle for control of the Communist party, Stalin or Trotsky. The “Man of Steel” put his supporters in power. By 1928, Stalin was in total command of the Communist Party Trotsky is forced in to exile, he ends up in South America.
Stalin changes the U.S.S.R. Lenin and Trotsky wanted a worldwide Communist Revolution Stalin focused on Russian development, “Socialism for one country.” Stalin transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state Totalitarianism =a govt. that has total, centralized control over every aspect of public and private life.
Other totalitarian States As Stalin was forming the U.S.S.R., Hitler and Mussolini were beginning to shape their own totalitarian States Later, Mao Zedong in China, and Kim Il Sung in North Korea will form totalitarian States
All of the following were totalitarian leaders except Stalin Hitler Lenin Mussolini
Stalin’s Economic Policy Lenin’ NEP included some aspects of capitalism, Stalin’s economic system was total state control of all economic policies and production. Command economy = a system in which the government makes all economic decisions. The Stalin. identified the economic needs of Russia and decided how to meet them.
Industrial Revolution in Russia Stalin realized that Russia was behind other developed nations in terms of industrial production. Stalin introduced the 1st of many five year plans for the development of the Soviet economy. The 5 year plan set impossibly high quotas (numerical goals) to increase the production of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. To accomplish the quotas, consumer goods were limited, causing a shortage in: food, clothing, housing, and other necessary goods. Propaganda for the 5 year plan
Stalin controls the workers The govt. chose the workers, told them where to work, and how long to work. Workers couldn’t move without permission. Stalin’s 5 year plans were harsh on the workers, but were very effective. Russia quickly improved and increased industrial production.
Which statement is not true about the 5 year plan… It was hard on workers It produced many products It will catch Russia up with the West It will increase wealth for Russians
Agricultural Revolution Stalin’s agricultural plan was just a successful as his industrial plan, but far more brutal. His plan was based on collective farms In 1928, the govt.. Took over 25 million privately owned farms and combined them into large govt. controlled farms, Stalin called them collective farms.
In the Cultural Revolution control of____ went to ____ Culture:People Farms:People Culture:Gov’t Farms:Gov’t
Farmers vs. Stalin Many farmers resisted the collective farms.
Farmers and Collective Farms Many farmers resisted the collective farms, they killed livestock and destroyed crops in protest. Stalin responded by sending the secret police to force the peasants to work the farms with bayonets. Between 5-10 million peasants died, millions were exiled to Siberia as punishment. The kulaks (wealthy peasants) fiercely resisted Stalin, as a result, they were executed or sent to work camps.
Stalin’s Secret Police Stalin used violence and terror to control the U.S.S.R., his means of control was the secret police. Stalin used force and violence to crush any opposition. The secret police taped phone lines, read mail, used spies, even taught children to spy on what their parents said at home. Lavrenti Beria- head of the secret police
Stalin controls all of Society Censorship effects: artists, newspapers, movies, radio. Only pro-Stalin views allowed. Religion is attacked: Stalin promotes atheists. Police destroyed churches and the clergy was killed or sent to work camps. Education: indoctrination of Communist Party philosophy and creation of skilled workers.
What is true about education in the USSR? Stalin promoted Atheism Students were trained to be skilled workers Promoted Socialism All students had Stalin mustaches
Always made Stalin and Russia look good. Stalinist Propaganda Always made Stalin and Russia look good.
Stalinist Russia Using violence, threats, and fear Stalin turned Russia from a backwards country to an agricultural and industrial world power. While the improvement in Russia economically and militarily is undeniable, the cost of human life to accomplish Stalin’s goals is staggering. Historians surmise that Stalin is responsible for the deaths of 8 mill. to 13 mill. People.