Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba #ScotRP2014
Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba Scottish Rural Action John Hutchison, Chair #ScotRP2014
Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba Argyll & Bute Council Cllr Roddy McCuish #ScotRP2014
Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba Caledonian MacBrayne Martin Dorchester #ScotRP2014
Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba European Rural Parliaments: Setting the context Staffan Bond #ScotRP2014
Rural Europe mobilize and organize! 25 National Rural(Community) Networks - and supporting structures 10 National Rural Parliaments First ERP in Brussels 2013 Next in autumn 2015 in ?? Scottish Rural Action/RP strong partner! …… and allies