Wednesday 9/26/18 Notebook Entry: An aerospace engineer is someone who may work on aircraft, spacecraft, or satellites. How might the work of an engineer be like the work you are doing to build a boat?
Iteriation Sometimes, just making a first, simple try at solving the problem gives you a better understanding of the task at hand. Iteration is a repeated attempt to improve a process or product.
Behavior Norms for Group Work Pay attention to what other group members need. No one is done until everyone is done. Play your role in the group. Help group members do things for themselves. Listen and pay attention to what others are saying. Explain by telling how/why. Everyone in the group participates. Everyone in the group helps.
Build a Boat Part 2 What ideas do you have for your next boat design? Choose 1 boat design for the group to build. On your grid paper sketch the design for your next boat. Include side view and top view. Label drawings with measurements you plan to use (length, width, height) What ideas do you have for your next boat design? What will you keep? What will you change?
Build a Boat 2 – You will have 10 minutes! Refer to the measurements on your grid paper, then use foil to build your group’s second boat. Do not redesign or rebuild once you start to test! Test your boat & record results on your boat records sheet. (#1 & 2) If you test multiple times record each result.
Clean Up – Lead by materials manager All materials, except tinfoil, go back into the basket. Return basket to table. Clean up any water spills.
Build a Boat Records Sheet Complete questions #3 & 4 Prepare a 1 minute summary of your boat design to share with the class. Recorder keeps notes for this in their spiral. Describe the design. Tell us what your boat accomplished when tested (# of key & time to float).
Build a Boat Records Sheet Staple grid paper to the back of your boat records sheet and turn in. Put boat in the storage cupboard. MAKE SURE IT IS ON YOUR CLASS PERIOD SHELF!