Fraction Multiplication And Cancelation
Fraction Multiplication Here are some fraction multiplication problems Can you tell how to multiply fraction from these examples?
Multiplication Multiply numerator by numerator And denominator by denominator
Try some. Multiply the following:
Answers Multiply the following:
Mixed Numbers Because of the order of operations, Mixed numbers cannot be multiplied as is Change mixed numbers to improper fractions, then multiply.
Try some Change any whole or mixed numbers to improper. Multiply straight across. Simplify answers
Answers Change any whole or mixed numbers to improper. Multiply straight across. Simplify answers
Reduce before you multiply Cancelling Reduce before you multiply
Canceling Reducing before mutiplying is called canceling. ICK! Instead think the following in your head.
Canceling on paper Rules: One factor from any numerator cancels with like factor from the denominator.
Try one Say “--- goes into ____ this many times.” As you cross each number out and write what is left after canceling above the number.
Answer Say “--- goes into ____ this many times.” As you cross each number out and write what is left after canceling above the number.
Try one more Make whole and mixed numbers improper Cancel if you can Multiply Numerators and denominators straight across. Simplify
Answer Make whole and mixed numbers improper Cancel if you can Multiply Numerators and denominators straight across. Simplify