Statistical Co-operation Amanda Charles; International Branch - Office for National Statistics
Statistical co-operation - UK context UK statistics decentralised; statisticians concentrated in ONS and across over 30 Govt Depts Govt Dept dedicated to International Development (DFID) Statistics high on development agenda DFID - more technical assistance work than statisticians and majority of projects outsourced; within Govt and outside
DFID Statistical Advisors DFID statisticians… identify, design and appraise projects to assist with statistical capacity building assist in developing procedures for poverty monitoring provide technical assistance to countries - often resident in country
Office for National Statistics International strategy for National Statistics assist DFID in meeting UK Govt targets for development currently one large DFID project (Ukraine) frequent short study visits not only DFID, consultancies undertaken for other organisations eg British Council, European Commission constraints on ONS participation
DFID Project strategy focus on poverty reduction/sustainable development as ultimate project goal country driven approach/country strategies Millennium Development Goals 90:10 funding ratio; low/middle income countries
Sustainability knowledge building and developing means through which to share knowledge staff retention engaging Government effective planning - identify opportunities to do more within existing resources
Project monitoring Pre-project: ensure shared vision determine risks and how to manage During project: quarterly reports output to purpose reviews Evaluation end of project review
Lessons learnt be flexible awareness of failures and their causes donor co-ordination - better targeted assistance donors should support, not lead information/experience sharing - within and between countries - developed country examples not always best solution form strong relations with key stakeholders