PVI SENCOs The Government wants to see schools ‘team up’ with private voluntary and independent (PVI) nurseries to offer flexible childcare provision.
Saving costs Sorry! No paper copies from today’s exchange All presentations will be available in the “ What’s New” section of the Local Offer on Wednesday afternoon.
Support at school events - Parents evenings - School Nurse & Local Offer drop ins - SEND clinics - SEND afternoons (advertised in school newsletter to maximise parental attendance) AND ……………………………………..
I asked for your ideas to help spread the word and this is what happened… #teamof1 #takeanyhelpIcan
Since the Nov Exchange the Local Offer has Organised & hosted a Wirral employers event Organised & hosted the SEND Youth Voice Conference Joined the ADHD Pathway Review to champion SENCOs and parents views Become involved in a review of transition from CAMHS to AMHS Become involved in a review of Short Breaks provision in Wirral Been invited to join a Provider forum for joined up services in Wirral Forged direct links with Merseyside’s Disability Hate/Mate crime officer Supported YSVG to deliver training to Uni of Chester student nurses Supported Wirral Girls project for vulnerable girls and those with a learning difficulty
EHCP Co-ordinator update Primary Secondary Post 16 Out of Borough Brand new staff Julie Kendrick 666 4271 Dawn Taylor 666 4318 Steve Adderley (FT) 666 4339 Amy Martin (P/T) 666 4253 Peter Stanley (FT) 666 4233 Julia Lewis (P/T) 666 4353 Vicky Cosgrove 666 4791 Nicky Hearne (FT) Laura Purser (P/T) 666 4270 Allison Carruthers 666 4202 Holly Austin (F/T) 666 4014 Melanie Dolan SEND Data & Finance Analyst 666 4224 EHCP Co-ordinator update
Wonderful news for the SEN team! Introducing Miss Scarlett Blake
Anything to tell me? New SENCO in post? Married and changed your name? Maternity Leave coming up? Long term absences? Additional named SENCO support? Part time working/split role? Anything to tell me?
SENCOs of Wirral, you asked, I delivered…….
In order to protect you and those you’re supporting. SENCO Community Share best practice Support for all but Invaluable new SENCO support Pool resources Solution focused In order to protect you and those you’re supporting. Understandably, as with all forums, there will need to be protocols in place. These I will e mail out to you so you are clear as to what you can/can’t do.
Sally, how do I join the Super SENCO forum? Thank you for asking…… I will send out an e mail/invitation to join GDPR regulations require you to reply to me stating your consent to be a member of the SENCO forum You will need to do this by Friday 29th March 2019 (bulk update) You will then be sent your personal log in details
Great things in our area for us to share HOOP app Free to download - 4.4 rating Activities in our area for children from 0 to 11 Designated SEND section Search by age Search by distance from home Search by the time of day Save your preferred activities Easy for organisers to register Recommend an organiser
FREE After school clubs – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.30pm -5pm 0151 647 7587 BEE Wirral, Livingstone Community & Play Centre, 130 St. Anne’s Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 3HX. Open Monday to Friday Community Centre in the heart of Birkenhead with something for everyone FREE After school clubs – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.30pm -5pm Creche Sensory room with a sensory play session each Friday from 12.30pm – 2.30pm Infant Massage Babies & toddler groups Holistic Therapies Music therapies Hairdresser Food supermarket for those struggling – Bag of food for a donation of £3 or whatever the person can afford
Wirral VOICES project
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and driving You must tell DVLA if you have ADHD. You can be fined up to £1,000 if you do not tell DVLA about a medical condition that affects your driving. You may be prosecuted if you’re involved in an accident as a result.
Training opportunities Person Centred Planning – 20th March 2019 From 1.00 - 4.00pm Council Chamber Birkenhead Town Hall Hosted by – Drs. Rachael Kenny and Melissa Carey. Limited to 50 places – few places remaining – if interested please e mail Ed Psych cluster drop ins. Dates and times are on the Local Offer website Training opportunities
Like, follow and share away…. Facebook thelocalofferwirral Twitter @lowirral
SEND Youth Voice Conference 2019 Event was held from on Friday 25th January at Pilgrim Street Arts Theatre NOMINATED TOPICS: Exploitation Relationships Independence Safeguarding
We’re making a difference! Here’s how. 1st year student nurses trained on Patient care for people with a learning disability by Wirral’s SEND Group Hand in hand with the national Mencap ‘Treat me well’ campaign New employment links at the Light cinema, BEE Wirral and Peninsula fencing Disability Confident Wirral Employers up by 33% to 88 A very capable young person with autism & anxiety offered a full time PAID job DWP & Local Offer Focussed Partnerships event WCOC offer business and financial support to a 98% blind student with set up a Wirral dance school for the disabled on completion of his dance degree in 2020 Councillor Chris Carubia – a SEND champion emerges Disability Hate/Mate Crime officer contact proving to be a great support
You know where I am if you need me… 0151 666 4488 07879848468
Over to you!
For what it’s worth…
Please complete an evaluation form Hopefully you can see from the speakers you’ve heard from today that I’ve listened to your feedback from the November Exchanges. Keep the feedback coming, it’s the best chance I have to support you in the areas in need of improving. Let’s collectively do what we can to enable you to do your incredibly responsible job to the very best of your ability.
Summer term SEND Exchanges You choose: Tuesday 25th June 1-3.30pm or Wednesday 26th June 9-11.30am Council Chamber, Birkenhead Town Hall Summer term SEND Exchanges